Saturday 27 May 2017

D&D 5e FFT: Jobs 5

Job Creation 5

Welcome to Part 5 of Job Builds! This time I'm going to take a stab at the Dragonkin!


Premise — The Dragonkin/Dragoner is a Dragonblooded beastial gish, who has breath weapons and support spells, and a way with (and the ability to talk to) animals.

Core Gameplay Abilities — Elemental Breath Weapons, solid for martial combat, Healing, Status Effect Removal

Unlike the other Jobs I've built, I'm going to attempt this two different ways. One involves a PWYW DM's Guild Class, and the other is going to be tweaks on a PHB Class.

Class/Subclass Options

Dragonformer Dragon Shaman — [Pay What You Want] This one is a great fit for the FFT Dragonkin. The Spell list could use a bit of work, however. It lacks a Charm, Healing, Negative Status Removal, and Buff spell,s which (aside from breath weapons) are the bulk of what a Dragonkin has in FFT. But it does HAVE spellcasting.

Dragonkin Dragonformer Dragon Shaman

"Human in appearance, but descended of dragons. The blood of the Holy Dragon flows in her veins."


No Change

Spell List:
  • Dragonkin Spells (Changes to Dragon Shaman Spell List)
  • Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Daze Animal: Added
  • 1st Level
  • Animal Friendship: Added
  • Charm Person: Added
  • Cure Wounds: Added
  • 2nd Level
  • Animal Messenger: Added
  • Lesser Restoration: Added
  • 3rd Level
  • 4th Level
  • Dominate Beast: Added
  • 5th Level

Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer — Well, this gives us the breath weapons and some dragon fluff, but it's a much more magic focused approach to be sure. Additionally, the sorcerer spell-list isn't any better a fit than the Dragon Shaman one, it's more or less missing the same key spells. But as it's a full spell list, rather than a very limited list, we're going to take a different tack than just adding all the iconic spells

Dragonkin Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer

"Human in appearance, but descended of dragons. The blood of the Holy Dragon flows in her veins."


No Change

Spells: The Dragonkin Sorcerer casts spells like a Sorcerer. However, The spells available do not come from the Sorcerer Spell List. Instead, the Dragonkin Sorcerer casts spells from the Druid Spell List.

Either one of these gives a reasonable approximation of the FFT Dragonkin, depending on how martial-focused you're trying to go. Combining Sorcerer metamagics with the Druid list could also be interesting.

That's it for today. This one was interesting (and not originally what I had planned on covering today, but I stumbled across Dragon Shaman while working on the Dragoon, got sidetracked working on this one, and I just had to go for it.)

See you next time;


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