Saturday 6 May 2017

D&D 5e FFT: Job Analysis

D&D 5e FFT: Job Analysis

Job Analysis

So, today I'm going to be dissecting the FFT Jobs, what their role is in a party, what their key abilities are, and what their fluff/concept description is. Because FFT has some overlapping abilities, and some jobs even have the same skillset but different names, or very slight differences between them, I will be grouping some things together in order to get a good overview.

In this post I'm going to make heavy use of hyperlinks to Final Fantasy Wikia (FFT), which I am making use of to write today's article.

Job/Characters Type/Combat Role Stats Proficiencies Fluff Concept/Key Abilities Comments
Archer (Build) Mundane
Damage (Ranged)
HP Avg; MP Low; PA Avg; MA Low; Ev 10%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8 Bows, Crossbows, Hats, Clothes, Shields
Ranged Soldier"Equipped with a bow and arrow, this warrior provides valuable long-range attacks. May Aim for higher damage."

Aim, *Never Miss
Arithmetician Caster
Generalist Mage
HP Low; MP Low; PA Low; MA Low; Ev 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 3 Poles, Tomes, Clothes, Robes
Generalist Mage"A learned warrior who uses Arithmeticks to analyze natural phenomena and pinpoint magickal attacks."

Arithmetician has *ALL* the spells and broken math-based unit targetting, in exchange for low damage multipliers, low speed, low HP, and low MP. If we include them, they will need to fill an altered niche.
Assassin (Build)
Lettie, Celia
Damage (Close), Debuffs
HP High; MP High; PA High; MA High; Evade 30%; Move 5; Jump 7; Speed 9 Katana, Ninjato, Hats, Clothes
Assassin"A diabolical killer trained by an order of assassins to quickly dispatch enemies with Subdual Arts."

Stop, Charm, Dead, and Petrify
The Only Assassins in FFT are boss characters. They're highly mobile and have very high stats. I'm envisioning this job as a sort of Ty Lee style Chi Blocking specialist
Orran Durai
HP High; MP Low; PA Avg; MA Low; Evade 20%; Move 3; Jump 4; Speed 8 Tomes, Hats, Clothes, Robes
Astrologer/Augur"A learned augur who uses Astrology to manipulate fate and sway the course of battle."

Stop, Immobilize, Disable
Orran is the only Astrologer who shows up in the game, and only briefly. If we include this it will need expanding.
Bard Caster
Buffs + Healing
HP Low; MP High; PA Low; MA High; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8 Instruments, Hats, Clothes
Support Bard"A warrior who uses his voice as a weapon. May use Bardsong to support his allies in battle."

Buffs and Recovery for all allies
Zalmour, Bremondt
Healing + Debuffs
HP Avg; MP High; PA Low; MA High; Evade 9%; Move 4; Jump 3; Speed 7 Rods, Staves, Books, Poles, Hats, Clothes, Robes
Bishop/Inquisitor"A powerful priest celebrant selected from scores of his peers. He will stop at nothing to hunt down and exterminate heretics."

Healing + Debuffs, Variant Priest
Chemist Mundane
Healing + Buffs
HP Low; MP Avg; PA Low; MA Avg; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8 Knives, Guns, Hats, Clothes
Chemist/Herbalist"An expert in the use of items to recover HP or remove vexing status ailments."

Ranged Buff through "potion" use
Cleric/Princess (Build)
Ovelia, Alma
HP Low/Avg; MP Avg/High; PA Avg; MA High/Avg; Evade 18%/24%/20%; Move 4; Jump 3; Speed 8/6 Staves, Hats, Clothes, Robes
Abbot/Nun/Friar"A true believer in the divine power of the gods, using Holy Magick to protect loved ones"

Protection Spells, Removing Debuffs
Dancer Caster
HP Low; MP V.Low; PA Low; MA Low; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8 Knives, Scarves, Hats, Clothes
Attack Bard"A warrior who dances across the battlefield, garbed in colorful raiments."

Status Effects, ability damage, and damage that hits *all* enemies.
Dragonkin (Build)
Reis Duelar
Damage (Close), Buffs
HP V.High; MP V.High; PA V.High; MA V.High; Evade 7%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 11 None
Dragon-Mage"Human in appearance, but descended of dragons. The blood of the Holy Dragon flows in her veins."

Breath weapons + short range support magic, Talk to Beasts
Dragoon (Build) Mundane
Damage (Close)
HP High; MP V. Low; PA High; MA V. Low; Evade 15%; Move 3; Jump 4; Speed 8 Polearms, Helmets, Armor, Robes
Elite Lancers"A warrior who may make soaring Jump attacks even in full armor, the dragoon is also a master spearman."

Geomancer Gish
Damage (Ranged) + Debuffs
HP High; MP High; PA High; MA High; Evade %10; Move 4; Jump 3; Speed 8 Swords, Axes, Hats, Clothes, Robes, Shields
Terrain Mage"A warrior who uses Geomancy to control powers lying dormant in the natural terrain."

Nature Mage Terrain-based Attack+Debuff Combat Abilities.
Knight (Build)
Isilud Tengille [With Jump], Milleuda Folles, Argath Thadalfus, Gragoroth Levigne, Gustav Margriff
Damage (Close) + Debuffs
HP High; MP Avg; PA High; MA Avg; Evade 10%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8 Swords, Knight Swords, Helmets, Armor, Robes, Shields
Veteran Soldier, Ranked Officer "A brave and chivalrous warrior of unmatched skill. Uses a knight's sword to unleash the Arts of War."

Sunder and Ability Damage using your Weapons
Knight, Ark
Damage (Close) + Debuffs
HP High; MP High; PA High; MA High; Evade %10; Move 5; Jump 4; Speed 11 Swords, Knight Swords, Helmets, Armor, Robes, Shields
Ability Damage Divine Knight"A warrior sworn to the service of the gods, using its Blade of Ruin to rend both body and soul."

PA/MA/MP/SP Damage
Delita also has this Job title, but has the Temple Knight skillset. Ark Knight and Divine Knight are both Gish interpretations on the regular Knight, each having half the Knight Abilities, but as ranged magic skills.
Knight, Dark (Build)
Goffard Gaffgarion
Damage (Close)
HP High; MP Avg; PA Avg; MA Avg; Evade %15; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 7 Swords, Knight Swords, Axes, Flails, Helmets, Armor, Robes, Clothes, Shields
Lifedrinking Mageknight"A fallen knight who has turned his back on the light of the gods. He leeches the souls of enemies with his Fell Sword."

HP & MP Absorption
Knight, Gryphon
Beowulf Cadmus, Aliste Rosenheim
Damage (Close) + Debuffs
HP High; MP High; PA High; MA High; Evade 14%; Move 4; Jump 3; Speed 8 Knives, Swords, Knight Swords, Helmets, Armor, Robes, Shields
Status Effect Gish Knight"A devout knight who defends the Church from heretics. Uses Spellblade techniques to strike down the enemy"

Pure Status Effect Spells
Knight, Holy
Agrias Oaks, Delita Heiral (Ch2), Wiegraf Folles
Damage (Close) + Debuffs
HP High; MP High; PA High; MA High; Evade 25%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 6 Swords, Knight Swords, Helmets, Armor, Robes, Shields
Paladin"Baptized in the divine light of the Church, the Holy Knight smites foes with powerful Holy Sword techniques."
"A pious knight clad in pure white armor. His untarnished soul enables him to wield a Holy Sword to smite enemies."

Debuff AOE Strikes (Accurate, Small AOE, Short Ranged, Elemental Weapon Damage + Chance of Status Effect)
Knight, Rune
Dycedarg Beoulve
Damage (Close) +
HP High; MP High; PA High; MA High; Evade 10%; Move 4; Jump 3; Speed 9 Swords, Knight Swords, Helmets, Armor, Robes, Shields
Arcane Knight"An elite knight who wears armor inscribed with magick runes of ancient and mysterious power."

Defensive Magic Shield, Blast Spells, Debuff AOE Strikes
Knight, Temple
Folmarv Tengille, Meliadoul Tengille, Loffrey Wodring, Delita Heiral (Late Game)
Damage (Close) + Debuffs
HP High; MP Low; PA High; MA Low; Evade 12%; Move 4; Jump 3; Speed 6 Swords, Knight Swords, Crossbows, Polearms, Helmets, Armor, Clothes, Robes, Shields
Sunder Templar"A Knight versed in both scripture and sword, sworn to the service of the Gods."

Sunder Strikes
Ark Knight and Divine Knight are both Gish interpretations on the regular Knight, each having half the Knight Abilities, but as ranged magic skills.
Machinist (Build)
Mustadio Bunansa, Barich Fendsor
Damage (Ranged), Debuffs
HP High; MP Low; PA Low; MA Low; Evade 18%; Move 3; Jump 4; Speed 10 Guns, Hats, Clothes
Called-Shot/Debuff Marksman "An engineer working to revive lost technologies, capable of firing guns highly accurately with the Aimed Shot ability."

Immobilize/Disable/Petrify Ranged Attacks
Low PA and MA is irrelevant to guns in FFT, which are based on nothing but the Gun's WP score.
Mage, Black (Build) Caster
Damage (Ranged) + Debuffs
HP Low; MP High; PA Avg; MA Avg; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8 Rods, Hats, Clothes, Robes
Blaster Mage "A warrior who uses Black Magicks to channel elemental powers into powerful offensive spells."

Attack Magic, Mostly Evocation
Mage, Red Gish
Damage (Melee) + Damage (Ranged), Healing, Protection
HP Low; MP High; PA Low; MA High; Evade 5%; Move 4; Jump 2; Speed 8 Knives, Rapiers, Hats, Clothes
Black/White Mage Gish."The Red Mage commands not only white and black magicks, but also those uniquely her own."

Blasting, Healing, Protection, Silence.
FFTA2 Class, not FFT:WoTL Class, but it's a classic, its absence in FFT was noted, and it doesn't clash with the lore, so it's in the list as a maybe.
Mage, Time Caster
Buffs, Debuffs
HP Low; MP High; PA Low; MA High; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8 Staves, Hats, Clothes, Robes
Time & Space Mage "The Time Mage controls time and space. This sorcerer toys with the laws of the universe."

Haste/Slow/Stop/Don'tMove/Gravity/Float/Reflect. Move Via Teleport.
Mage, White (Build) Caster
HP Low; MP High; PA Avg; MA High; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 9 Staves, Hats, Clothes, Robes
Priest "A warrior who taps into the powers of the divine, using White Magicks to cast spells of recovery and protection."

Healing, "Raising", Removing Debuffs, and Protective Spells.
Mediator/Orator (Build) Caster?
HP Low; MP Low; PA Low; MA Average; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8 Guns, Knives, Hats, Clothes, Robes
Diplomat"A warrior who participates in battle using Speechcraft. Words, rather than swords, are the orator's weapons."

Diplomacy, Brave/Faith +/-, Stun, Berserk, Sleep, Negotiate
Attacks using guns (which are stat-independent in FFT), and speechcraft (which doesnt do "damage")
Monk (Build) Gish
Damage (Close) + Healing
HP High; MP Low; PA High; MA Avg; Evade 20%; Move 3; Jump 4; Speed 9 Clothes
Wuxia Monk "A warrior, devoted to physical training, whose unarmed attacks are deadly. May use Martial Arts."

Mystic Kung Fu (Aurablast, Shockwave, Doom Fist) + Burst remove debuffs, AOE heal, and revive fallen allies.
Mystic (Build) Caster
HP Low; MP High; PA Low; MA High; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8 Poles, Rods, Staves, Books, Hats, Clothes, Robes
Taoist Mystic "A warrior who uses the Mystic Arts to bend the forces of the cosmos to his or her will."

"Curses"(Blind, Undead, Silence, Berserk, Fear, Confusion, Paralyze, Sleep, Petrify), Remove Buffs, HP/MP Drain
Ninja (Build) Mundane
Damage (Close) + Damage (Ranged)
HP Low; MP Low; PA High; MA Avg; Evade 30%; Move 4; Jump 4; Speed 10 Knives, Ninjato, Flails, Shuriken, Bombs, Hats, Clothes
Fantasy Ninja "A warrior who uses stealth to be all but invisible. The ninja may also Throw weapons at faraway enemies."

Dual Wield, Dodge AC, Ninja Vanish.
Marquis Messam Elmdore de Limberry
Damage (Close) + Buff + Debuffs
HP Low; MP High; PA High; MA Avg; Evade 20%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8 Katanas, Helmets, Armor, Robes
Burst AOE Mageknight"Following a warrior ethic from a foreign land, the samurai uses Iaido techniques to attack with his or her katana."

Burst AOE magic. Damage, MP Damage, Debuffs(Slow, Confuse, Doom), Buffs (Protect, Shell, Regen, Haste)
Rapha & Marach Galthena
Damage (Ranged), Debuffs
HP Low/High; MP High/Low; PA Low/High; MA High/Low; Evade 10%/8; Move 3/4; Jump 3; Speed 10/9 Staves, Poles, Hats, Clothes, Robes
Elemental-Spellcasting Monk."An assassin able to bend the laws of nature by speaking the words of forbidden Sky Mantra."

Elemental Damage(Lightning, Fire, Wind, Water, Earth), Debuffs(Blind, Confuse, Silence, Toad, Poison, Slow, Sleep). Unpredictable Effects.
I hated these in FFT. Too unreliable to be useful. Potentially neat idea. Will see what can be done.
Cletienne Duroi, Valmafra Lenande
Damage (Ranged) + Healing
HP Avg; MP High; PA Low; MA High; Evade 14%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 10 Knives, Rods, Staves, poles, Hats, Clothes, Robes
Archmage/High Priest"A magick user with countless incantations at his command. His powerful spells make all those who oppose him suffer."

Squire Mundane
Damage (Close) + Buffs + Healing
HP Avg; MP V.Low; PA Low; MA V.Low; Evade 5%; Move 4; Jump 3; Speed 8 Knives, Swords, Axes, Flails, Hats, Clothes
Apprentice/Footsoldier "This job serves as the foundation for all others, forming the first step on the road to becoming a legendary warrior."

Generalist Skillset
Probably not suited to being a PC Class.
Summoner Caster
Damage (Ranged), Buffs, Debuffs, Healing
HP Low; MP High; PA Low; MA High; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8 Rods, Staves, Hats, Robes
Generalist Shaman"A warrior who may Summon the most powerful of spirits, the beings known as espers"

Expensive Big AOE Spells (Healing, Elemental Damage, Temporary HP, Reflect, Silence)
Thief Mundane
HP Avg; MP Low; PA Avg; MA Low; Evade 25%; Move 4; Jump 4; Speed 9 Knives, Hats, Clothes
Thief "Warriors who can steal anything from anyone. Their skill is legendary."

Steals Enemy Gear Mid-Use, Charm

Archer (Build)

  • Type: Mundane
  • Combat Role: Damage (Ranged)
  • Stats: HP Avg; MP Low; PA Avg; MA Low; Ev 10%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Bows, Crossbows, Hats, Clothes, Shields
  • Concept:
    Ranged Soldier"Equipped with a bow and arrow, this warrior provides valuable long-range attacks. May Aim for higher damage."
  • Key Abilities: Aim, *Never Miss


  • Type: Caster
  • Combat Role: Generalist Mage
  • Stats: HP Low; MP Low; PA Low; MA Low; Ev 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 3
  • Proficiencies: Poles, Tomes, Clothes, Robes
  • Concept:
    Generalist Mage"A learned warrior who uses Arithmeticks to analyze natural phenomena and pinpoint magickal attacks."
  • Comments: Arithmetician has *ALL* the spells and broken math-based unit targetting, in exchange for low damage multipliers, low speed, low HP, and low MP. If we include them, they will need to fill an altered niche.

Assassin (Build)

  • Characters: Lettie, Celia
  • Type: Mundane
  • Combat Role: Damage (Close), Debuffs
  • Stats: HP High; MP High; PA High; MA High; Evade 30%; Move 5; Jump 7; Speed 9
  • Proficiencies: Katana, Ninjato, Hats, Clothes
  • Concept:
    Assassin"A diabolical killer trained by an order of assassins to quickly dispatch enemies with Subdual Arts."
  • Key Abilities: Stop, Charm, Dead, and Petrify
  • Comments: The Only Assassins in FFT are boss characters. They're highly mobile and have very high stats. I'm envisioning this job as a sort of Ty Lee style Chi Blocking specialist


  • Characters: Orran Durai
  • Type: Caster
  • Combat Role: Debuffs
  • Stats: HP High; MP Low; PA Avg; MA Low; Evade 20%; Move 3; Jump 4; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Tomes, Hats, Clothes, Robes
  • Concept:
    Astrologer/Augur"A learned augur who uses Astrology to manipulate fate and sway the course of battle."
  • Key Abilities: Stop, Immobilize, Disable
  • Comments: Orran is the only Astrologer who shows up in the game, and only briefly. If we include this it will need expanding.


  • Type: Caster
  • Combat Role: Buffs + Healing
  • Stats: HP Low; MP High; PA Low; MA High; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Instruments, Hats, Clothes
  • Concept:
    Support Bard"A warrior who uses his voice as a weapon. May use Bardsong to support his allies in battle."
  • Key Abilities: Buffs and Recovery for all allies


  • Characters: Zalmour, Bremondt
  • Type: Caster
  • Combat Role: Healing + Debuffs
  • Stats: HP Avg; MP High; PA Low; MA High; Evade 9%; Move 4; Jump 3; Speed 7
  • Proficiencies: Rods, Staves, Books, Poles, Hats, Clothes, Robes
  • Concept:
    Bishop/Inquisitor"A powerful priest celebrant selected from scores of his peers. He will stop at nothing to hunt down and exterminate heretics."
  • Key Abilities: Healing + Debuffs, Variant Priest


  • Type: Mundane
  • Combat Role: Healing + Buffs
  • Stats: HP Low; MP Avg; PA Low; MA Avg; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Knives, Guns, Hats, Clothes
  • Concept:
    Chemist/Herbalist"An expert in the use of items to recover HP or remove vexing status ailments."
  • Key Abilities: Ranged Buff through "potion" use

Cleric/Princess (Build)

  • Characters: Ovelia, Alma
  • Type: Caster
  • Combat Role: Buffs
  • Stats: HP Low/Avg; MP Avg/High; PA Avg; MA High/Avg; Evade 18%/24%/20%; Move 4; Jump 3; Speed 8/6
  • Proficiencies: Staves, Hats, Clothes, Robes
  • Concept:
    Abbot/Nun/Friar"A true believer in the divine power of the gods, using Holy Magick to protect loved ones"
  • Key Abilities: Protection Spells, Removing Debuffs


  • Type: Caster
  • Combat Role: Debuffs
  • Stats: HP Low; MP V.Low; PA Low; MA Low; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Knives, Scarves, Hats, Clothes
  • Concept:
    Attack Bard"A warrior who dances across the battlefield, garbed in colorful raiments."
  • Key Abilities: Status Effects, ability damage, and damage that hits *all* enemies.

Dragonkin (Build)

  • Characters: Reis Duelar
  • Type: Caster
  • Combat Role: Damage (Close), Buffs
  • Stats: HP V.High; MP V.High; PA V.High; MA V.High; Evade 7%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 11
  • Proficiencies: None
  • Concept:
    Dragon-Mage"Human in appearance, but descended of dragons. The blood of the Holy Dragon flows in her veins."
  • Key Abilities: Breath weapons + short range support magic, Talk to Beasts

Dragoon (Build)

  • Type: Mundane
  • Combat Role: Damage (Close)
  • Stats: HP High; MP V. Low; PA High; MA V. Low; Evade 15%; Move 3; Jump 4; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Polearms, Helmets, Armor, Robes
  • Concept:
    Elite Lancers"A warrior who may make soaring Jump attacks even in full armor, the dragoon is also a master spearman."
  • Key Abilities: Jump


  • Type: Gish
  • Combat Role: Damage (Ranged) + Debuffs
  • Stats: HP High; MP High; PA High; MA High; Evade %10; Move 4; Jump 3; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Swords, Axes, Hats, Clothes, Robes, Shields
  • Concept:
    Terrain Mage"A warrior who uses Geomancy to control powers lying dormant in the natural terrain."
  • Key Abilities: Nature Mage Terrain-based Attack+Debuff Combat Abilities.

Knight (Build)

  • Characters: Isilud Tengille [With Jump], Milleuda Folles, Argath Thadalfus, Gragoroth Levigne, Gustav Margriff
  • Type: Mundane
  • Combat Role: Damage (Close) + Debuffs
  • Stats: HP High; MP Avg; PA High; MA Avg; Evade 10%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Swords, Knight Swords, Helmets, Armor, Robes, Shields
  • Concept:
    Veteran Soldier, Ranked Officer "A brave and chivalrous warrior of unmatched skill. Uses a knight's sword to unleash the Arts of War."
  • Key Abilities: Sunder and Ability Damage using your Weapons

Knight, Ark

  • Characters: Zalbaag
  • Type: Gish
  • Combat Role: Damage (Close) + Debuffs
  • Stats: HP High; MP High; PA High; MA High; Evade %10; Move 5; Jump 4; Speed 11
  • Proficiencies: Swords, Knight Swords, Helmets, Armor, Robes, Shields
  • Concept:
    Ability Damage Divine Knight"A warrior sworn to the service of the gods, using its Blade of Ruin to rend both body and soul."
  • Key Abilities: PA/MA/MP/SP Damage
  • Comments: Delita also has this Job title, but has the Temple Knight skillset. Ark Knight and Divine Knight are both Gish interpretations on the regular Knight, each having half the Knight Abilities, but as ranged magic skills.

Knight, Dark (Build)

  • Characters: Goffard Gaffgarion
  • Type: Gish
  • Combat Role: Damage (Close)
  • Stats: HP High; MP Avg; PA Avg; MA Avg; Evade %15; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 7
  • Proficiencies: Swords, Knight Swords, Axes, Flails, Helmets, Armor, Robes, Clothes, Shields
  • Concept:
    Lifedrinking Mageknight"A fallen knight who has turned his back on the light of the gods. He leeches the souls of enemies with his Fell Sword."
  • Key Abilities: HP & MP Absorption

Knight, Gryphon

  • Characters: Beowulf Cadmus, Aliste Rosenheim
  • Type: Gish
  • Combat Role: Damage (Close) + Debuffs
  • Stats: HP High; MP High; PA High; MA High; Evade 14%; Move 4; Jump 3; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Knives, Swords, Knight Swords, Helmets, Armor, Robes, Shields
  • Concept:
    Status Effect Gish Knight"A devout knight who defends the Church from heretics. Uses Spellblade techniques to strike down the enemy"
  • Key Abilities: Pure Status Effect Spells

Knight, Holy

  • Characters: Agrias Oaks, Delita Heiral (Ch2), Wiegraf Folles
  • Type: Gish
  • Combat Role: Damage (Close) + Debuffs
  • Stats: HP High; MP High; PA High; MA High; Evade 25%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 6
  • Proficiencies: Swords, Knight Swords, Helmets, Armor, Robes, Shields
  • Concept:
    Paladin"Baptized in the divine light of the Church, the Holy Knight smites foes with powerful Holy Sword techniques."
    "A pious knight clad in pure white armor. His untarnished soul enables him to wield a Holy Sword to smite enemies."
  • Key Abilities: Debuff AOE Strikes (Accurate, Small AOE, Short Ranged, Elemental Weapon Damage + Chance of Status Effect)

Knight, Rune

  • Characters: Dycedarg Beoulve
  • Type: Gish
  • Combat Role: Damage (Close) +
  • Stats: HP High; MP High; PA High; MA High; Evade 10%; Move 4; Jump 3; Speed 9
  • Proficiencies: Swords, Knight Swords, Helmets, Armor, Robes, Shields
  • Concept:
    Arcane Knight"An elite knight who wears armor inscribed with magick runes of ancient and mysterious power."
  • Key Abilities: Defensive Magic Shield, Blast Spells, Debuff AOE Strikes

Knight, Temple

  • Characters: Folmarv Tengille, Meliadoul Tengille, Loffrey Wodring, Delita Heiral (Late Game)
  • Type: Gish
  • Combat Role: Damage (Close) + Debuffs
  • Stats: HP High; MP Low; PA High; MA Low; Evade 12%; Move 4; Jump 3; Speed 6
  • Proficiencies: Swords, Knight Swords, Crossbows, Polearms, Helmets, Armor, Clothes, Robes, Shields
  • Concept:
    Sunder Templar"A Knight versed in both scripture and sword, sworn to the service of the Gods."
  • Key Abilities: Sunder Strikes
  • Comments: Ark Knight and Divine Knight are both Gish interpretations on the regular Knight, each having half the Knight Abilities, but as ranged magic skills.

Machinist (Build)

  • Characters: Mustadio Bunansa, Barich Fendsor
  • Type: Mundane
  • Combat Role: Damage (Ranged), Debuffs
  • Stats: HP High; MP Low; PA Low; MA Low; Evade 18%; Move 3; Jump 4; Speed 10
  • Proficiencies: Guns, Hats, Clothes
  • Concept:
    Called-Shot/Debuff Marksman "An engineer working to revive lost technologies, capable of firing guns highly accurately with the Aimed Shot ability."
  • Key Abilities: Immobilize/Disable/Petrify Ranged Attacks
  • Comments: Low PA and MA is irrelevant to guns in FFT, which are based on nothing but the Gun's WP score.

Mage, Black (Build)

  • Type: Caster
  • Combat Role: Damage (Ranged) + Debuffs
  • Stats: HP Low; MP High; PA Avg; MA Avg; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Rods, Hats, Clothes, Robes
  • Concept:
    Blaster Mage "A warrior who uses Black Magicks to channel elemental powers into powerful offensive spells."
  • Key Abilities: Attack Magic, Mostly Evocation

Mage, Red

  • Type: Gish
  • Combat Role: Damage (Melee) + Damage (Ranged), Healing, Protection
  • Stats: HP Low; MP High; PA Low; MA High; Evade 5%; Move 4; Jump 2; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Knives, Rapiers, Hats, Clothes
  • Concept:
    Black/White Mage Gish."The Red Mage commands not only white and black magicks, but also those uniquely her own."
  • Key Abilities: Blasting, Healing, Protection, Silence.
  • Comments: FFTA2 Class, not FFT:WoTL Class, but it's a classic, its absence in FFT was noted, and it doesn't clash with the lore, so it's in the list as a maybe.

Mage, Time

  • Type: Caster
  • Combat Role: Buffs, Debuffs
  • Stats: HP Low; MP High; PA Low; MA High; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Staves, Hats, Clothes, Robes
  • Concept:
    Time & Space Mage "The Time Mage controls time and space. This sorcerer toys with the laws of the universe."
  • Key Abilities: Haste/Slow/Stop/Don'tMove/Gravity/Float/Reflect. Move Via Teleport.

Mage, White (Build)

  • Type: Caster
  • Combat Role: Healing
  • Stats: HP Low; MP High; PA Avg; MA High; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 9
  • Proficiencies: Staves, Hats, Clothes, Robes
  • Concept:
    Priest "A warrior who taps into the powers of the divine, using White Magicks to cast spells of recovery and protection."
  • Key Abilities: Healing, "Raising", Removing Debuffs, and Protective Spells.

Mediator/Orator (Build)

  • Type: Caster?
  • Debuffs
  • Stats: HP Low; MP Low; PA Low; MA Average; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Guns, Knives, Hats, Clothes, Robes
  • Concept:
    Diplomat"A warrior who participates in battle using Speechcraft. Words, rather than swords, are the orator's weapons."
  • Key Abilities: Diplomacy, Brave/Faith +/-, Stun, Berserk, Sleep, Negotiate
  • Comments: Attacks using guns (which are stat-independent in FFT), and speechcraft (which doesnt do "damage")

Monk (Build)

  • Type: Gish
  • Combat Role: Damage (Close) + Healing
  • Stats: HP High; MP Low; PA High; MA Avg; Evade 20%; Move 3; Jump 4; Speed 9
  • Proficiencies: Clothes
  • Concept:
    Wuxia Monk "A warrior, devoted to physical training, whose unarmed attacks are deadly. May use Martial Arts."
  • Key Abilities: Mystic Kung Fu (Aurablast, Shockwave, Doom Fist) + Burst remove debuffs, AOE heal, and revive fallen allies.

Mystic (Build)

  • Type: Caster
  • Combat Role: Debuffs
  • Stats: HP Low; MP High; PA Low; MA High; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Poles, Rods, Staves, Books, Hats, Clothes, Robes
  • Concept:
    Taoist Mystic "A warrior who uses the Mystic Arts to bend the forces of the cosmos to his or her will."
  • Key Abilities: "Curses"(Blind, Undead, Silence, Berserk, Fear, Confusion, Paralyze, Sleep, Petrify), Remove Buffs, HP/MP Drain

Ninja (Build)

  • Type: Mundane
  • Combat Role: Damage (Close) + Damage (Ranged)
  • Stats: HP Low; MP Low; PA High; MA Avg; Evade 30%; Move 4; Jump 4; Speed 10
  • Proficiencies: Knives, Ninjato, Flails, Shuriken, Bombs, Hats, Clothes
  • Concept:
    Fantasy Ninja "A warrior who uses stealth to be all but invisible. The ninja may also Throw weapons at faraway enemies."
  • Key Abilities: Dual Wield, Dodge AC, Ninja Vanish.


  • Characters: Marquis Messam Elmdore de Limberry
  • Type: Gish
  • Combat Role: Damage (Close) + Buff + Debuffs
  • Stats: HP Low; MP High; PA High; MA Avg; Evade 20%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Katanas, Helmets, Armor, Robes
  • Concept:
    Burst AOE Mageknight"Following a warrior ethic from a foreign land, the samurai uses Iaido techniques to attack with his or her katana."
  • Key Abilities: Burst AOE magic. Damage, MP Damage, Debuffs(Slow, Confuse, Doom), Buffs (Protect, Shell, Regen, Haste)


  • Characters: Rapha & Marach Galthena
  • Type: Gish
  • Combat Role: Damage (Ranged), Debuffs
  • Stats: HP Low/High; MP High/Low; PA Low/High; MA High/Low; Evade 10%/8; Move 3/4; Jump 3; Speed 10/9
  • Proficiencies: Staves, Poles, Hats, Clothes, Robes
  • Concept:
    Elemental-Spellcasting Monk."An assassin able to bend the laws of nature by speaking the words of forbidden Sky Mantra."
  • Key Abilities: Elemental Damage(Lightning, Fire, Wind, Water, Earth), Debuffs(Blind, Confuse, Silence, Toad, Poison, Slow, Sleep). Unpredictable Effects.
  • Comments: I hated these in FFT. Too unreliable to be useful. Potentially neat idea. Will see what can be done.


  • Characters: Cletienne Duroi, Valmafra Lenande
  • Type: Caster
  • Combat Role: Damage (Ranged) + Healing
  • Stats: HP Avg; MP High; PA Low; MA High; Evade 14%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 10
  • Proficiencies: Knives, Rods, Staves, poles, Hats, Clothes, Robes
  • Concept:
    Archmage/High Priest"A magick user with countless incantations at his command. His powerful spells make all those who oppose him suffer."
  • Key Abilities: Holy/Flare/Gravity/UnHoly/Arise/


  • Type: Mundane
  • Combat Role: Damage (Close) + Buffs + Healing
  • Stats: HP Avg; MP V.Low; PA Low; MA V.Low; Evade 5%; Move 4; Jump 3; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Knives, Swords, Axes, Flails, Hats, Clothes
  • Concept:
    Apprentice/Footsoldier "This job serves as the foundation for all others, forming the first step on the road to becoming a legendary warrior."
  • Key Abilities: Generalist Skillset
  • Comments: Probably not suited to being a PC Class.


  • Type: Caster
  • Combat Role: Damage (Ranged), Buffs, Debuffs, Healing
  • Stats: HP Low; MP High; PA Low; MA High; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Rods, Staves, Hats, Robes
  • Concept:
    Generalist Shaman"A warrior who may Summon the most powerful of spirits, the beings known as espers"
  • Key Abilities: Expensive Big AOE Spells (Healing, Elemental Damage, Temporary HP, Reflect, Silence)


  • Type: Mundane
  • Combat Role: Debuffs
  • Stats: HP Avg; MP Low; PA Avg; MA Low; Evade 25%; Move 4; Jump 4; Speed 9
  • Proficiencies: Knives, Hats, Clothes
  • Concept:
    Thief "Warriors who can steal anything from anyone. Their skill is legendary."
  • Key Abilities: Steals Enemy Gear Mid-Use, Charm


So, that's all 33 of the distinct Jobs from FFT, plus Red Mage From FFTA2. Conclusions:

  • Specificity
    • FFT Jobs are much more specific than D&D5e Classes, as I knew.
    • I expect when I map these to D&D 5e Classes, each class will more or less map onto one or two suitable archetypes.
  • Names
    • There are so many misleading names for Skills and Jobs in FFT. Holy Crap. Seriously. Terrible Translations.
    • Traditional FF Summoners (like in FFT) are really more spirit Shaman types calling on powerful spirits, and not summoners at all.
  • GISH
    • There are a lot of types of spellcasting warriors.
    • Several types of Paladin/Eldritch Knight/Whatever will be inevitable, but I sort of expected that.
  • Priests
    • There's several different types of holy mage types.

Join me next time to see how I start to match the Jobs to 5e Classes/Archetypes, and read my review from combing through all the published 5e classes to determine what other ones are a good fit for an FFT style world.


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