Sunday 4 June 2017

D&D 5e FFT: Jobs 7

Job Creation 7

Welcome to Part 7 of Job Builds

Today we're going to take a look at how to do the Dark Knight

Dark Knight

Premise — The Dark Knight is a Mageknight (Gish with heavy armor and access to Knightly Weapons) who fights dirty and has a selfish, mercenary, or evil theme.

Core Gameplay Abilities — Magic, Good Melee Combat, Plate Armor, Knight Weapons, Lifedrain, Mana Drain

Premise — Much like with Dragoon, this is going to involve a lot of reviewing before I consider homebrewing something custom, as several potential options already exist.

Class/Subclass Options

Paladin — Good Proficiencies.

  • Divine Sense: Detect strongly aligned beings and consecrated/desecrated objects/places. Eh. Not terribly useful in an human focused campaign, but its alright. He could detect the few undead and zombies that are in the setting.
  • Lay on Hands: Healing and curing disease/poison. Bad fit, unfortunately.
  • Divine Smite: Change the damage type (Probably Necrotic) and who you get extra damage against and it works out better.
  • Spells The spell-list isn't perfect. It's got a lot of healing, white-mage-type-stuff. Could use an overhaul.
  • Fighting Style Some of them work. Maybe changing up the list would be worthwhile.
  • Divine Health Sure.
  • Extra Attack Absolutely.
  • Aura of Protection Sure.
  • Aura of Courage Sure.
  • Improved Divine Smite Sure, but change the damage type as per Divine Smite.
  • Cleansing Touch The flavor doesn't fit super well. Would work better if you could end beneficial spells on enemies.

Oath of Conquest Paladin — One of the Better fits

  • Oath: Not Terrible
  • Oath Spells: All of these are a good fit thematically, though no Lifedrain or Manadrain.
  • Conquering Strike: Awesome
  • Guided Strike: Awesome
  • Aura of Conquest: More Awesome
  • Implacable Spirit: I like it.
  • Invincible Conquerer: Sure why not

Oath of Treachery Paladin — A mediocre fit with a couple iconic abilities.

  • Oath: N/A
  • Oath Spells: Not great.
  • Conjure Duplicate: Eh
  • Poison Strike: Sure
  • Aura of Treachery: Sure
  • Blackguard's Escape: 100%. This happens in the cutscenes all the time.
  • Icon of Deceit: Sure

Oath of Vengeance Paladin — A decent but imperfect fit.

  • Oath: Eh. Too Vigilante.
  • Oath Spells: These are a damn good fit, thematically. Still no Lifedrain or Manadrain though.
  • Abjure Enemy: Fear + Slow
  • Vow of Enmity: Sure, this fits.
  • Relentless Avenger: This is neat
  • Soul of Vengeance: Eh.
  • Avenging Angel: Nope

Oath of the Crown Paladin — A terrible fit.

  • Oath: No, Not for Dark Knight.
  • Oath Spells: No, not really.
  • Champion Challenge: Not really.
  • Turn the Tide: No.
  • Divine Allegiance: No
  • Unyielding Spirit: Sure.
  • Exalted Champion: Nope

Oathbreaker Paladin — A Decent Fit

  • Oath: N/A.
  • Oath Spells: Sure, good fit.
  • Control Undead: Yeah, thats cool.
  • Dreadful Aspect: Not so much.
  • Aura of Hate: This is good.
  • Supernatural Resistance: Sure.
  • Dread Lord: This is cool.

ZenBear's Oath of Blood Paladin — Nothing we want in here.

Fighter — Good Proficiencies. Nothing that detracts from Dark Knight.

SilentSoren's Dark Knight,2 (Images) (Direct) — Eh. It's a different flavor than we're going for.

Nordic&Nerdy's Dark Knight Class (Direct) — This is a weird blood fighter lacking a lot of the abilities we would want. Not so much.

So, we have a few options here to consider:

  • SilentSoren's Dark Knight: Doesn't match the FFT Dark Knight Flavor
  • Nordic&Nerdy's Dark Knight Class: This is its own weird blood magic thing
  • Oath of Blood Paladin: No match
  • Paladin: There's no single Paladin Oath that's a good fit for Dark Knight. But there are several of them with parts that are good.
  • Stuart Logan's Fighter Subclass: This looks good.
  • Drackolus' Fighter Subclass: This looks better.

For the super quick & easy route: Drackolus' Subclass is the one to choose. It's just better than the others.

This is going to be the end for today's post, I ran way over-time on this one.

Next Post won't be until next weekend. Join me then to see me build Dark Knight from Paladin! Later!

— Hawkwinter

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