Wednesday 21 June 2017

D&D 5e FFT: Jobs 9

D&D 5e FFT: Jobs 9

Job Creation 9

Welcome to Part 9 of Job Builds

Today we're going to take a look at how to do the FFT White Mage job for 5e. Because of the Overlap, this is also going to be the "Cleric" job.

Now, I just wanted to say that, after going through Dark Knight, I think that's the right way to handle Job Spell-Lists. The ones where I made minor adjustments to the list are not the way to go, they should be focused on what the Job should do. Particularly if we're going to allow a FFT-esque dual-Job setup (I intend to go into this later). I will want to update them later. But for now, I'm moving forward. I will go back and update the others later.

White Mage/"Cleric"

Premise — The White Mage is a mage has a variety of support magic which is used at range.

Core Gameplay Abilities — Cure, Raise, Reraise, Regen, Protect, Shell, Wall, Esuna, Holy

Premise — So we're gonna build White Mage, out of whatever we can find that's the closest fit for 5e.

Class/Subclass Options

Life Cleric — Proficiencies: Too heavy on the armor. Shields don't fit. The rest is good.

  • Life Domain Spells: Pretty good fit. They cover most of the spells we actually want.
  • Life Domain Proficiency: This is worse. Likely has to do with needing to get close to heal in D&D whereas you can do it at range in FFT> We may need to look at that.
  • Disciple of Life: This one is a good fit.
  • Turn Undead Not a great fit, but not terrible.
  • Preserve Life This is a good fit.
  • Destroy Undead Not a great fit, but not terrible.
  • Blessed Healer Decent fit.
  • Divine Strike Sure, I guess.
  • Divine Intervention Absolutely not, in a setting where the existence of God is in question.
  • Supreme Healing Maximized Healing is good.
All of the healing options can never hit undesired targets. This runs counter to what we want, but would require redesigned healing magics, so we're gonna leave it alone for now.

Protection Cleric — Proficiencies: Too heavy on the armor. Shields don't fit. The rest is good.

  • Protection Domain Spells: A couple decent picks.
  • Protection Domain Proficiency: This is worse.
  • Shield of the Faithful: Nope.
  • Turn Undead Not a good fit.
  • Radiant Defense A bit much.
  • Destroy Undead Not a good fit.
  • Blessed Healer Decent fit.
  • Divine Strike Sure, I guess.
  • Divine Intervention Absolutely not, in a setting where the existence of God is in question.
  • Indomitable Defense A bit much for White Mage, maybe.

Abjuration Wizard — Not a great fit.

  • Arcane Recovery: Eh, sure.
  • Abjuration Savant: Sure, why not, I guess.
  • Arcane Ward: Decent.
  • Projected Ward: Decent.
  • Improved Abjuration: Decent.
  • Spell Mastery: Sure why not
  • Signature Spells: Sure why not

FFIV Project Spirit Master White Mage — This one looks promising. Proficiencies: Great.

  • Soothe Sayer: Cheesy name, but good ability.
  • Discipline: We want Spirit Master
  • Conservation of Life: This one is very interesting. Neat White Mage capstone.
  • Worldly Beyond Sure.
  • Spirit Master Expanded Spell List All good spells.
  • Shroud of Saints Very Short term Self-Protection. fluff fits.
  • Surging Succor Decent fit.
  • Clerical Smite Sure, I guess.
  • Touch of the Padjal Crappier Supreme Healing
The spell list is promising, but it seems to mostly just be a crappy Cleric- otherwise.

Right then. Life Cleric is our closest starting point, so that's where we're going to start.

White Mage/"Cleric" (Life/Protection Cleric)

"A mage who taps into the powers of the divine, using White Magicks to cast spells of recovery and protection."


Armor: Light Armor only, no Shields
Weapons: No Change
Tools: No Change
Saving Throws: No Change
Skills: No Change

Class & Subclass Features

Healer's Knowledge: You also become proficient in your choice of two of the following skills: Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion. This replaces Life Domain Proficiency.
Radiant Confidence: When you reach 10th level, you can't be charmed or frightened by celestials, fiends, or undead, and you are immune to poison and disease. This replaces Divine Intervention.

Spell List

White Mage "Life" Spells:

1st: Sanctuary, Healing Word
2nd: Prayer of Healing, Lesser Restoration
3rd: Beacon of Hope, Revivify
4th: Death Ward, Regen*
5th: Flame Strike, Mass Cure Wounds


Gust, Light, Mending, Resistance, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy

1st Level Spells

Cure Wounds, Detect Magic (Ritual), Detect Poison and Disease (Ritual), Guiding Bolt, Heroism, Protection from Evil and Good, Purify Food and Drink (Ritual), Shield of Faith

2nd Level Spells

Aid, Calm Emotions, Continual Flame, Gentle Repose (Ritual), Gust of Wind, Protection from Poison, Warding Bond

3rd Level Spells

Dispel Magic, Glyph of Warding, Magic Circle, Mass Healing Word,, Protection from Energy, Remove Curse, Spirit Guardians, Tongues

4th Level Spells

Freedom of Movement, Guardian of Faith, Tetragrammaton*

5th Level Spells

Antilife Shell, Commune (Ritual), Dispel Evil and Good, Greater Restoration

6th Level Spells

Find the Path, Forbiddance, Heal

7th Level Spells

Fire Storm, Regenerate

8th Level Spells

Antimagic Field, Holy Aura

9th Level Spells

Astral Projection, Mass Heal

Roleplay: A White Mage might be part of the clergy, or they could just as well be a mage who simply studied the healing arts. Either way, you're interested in helping people.

So As you can see, I'm shifting gears just a little bit, having decided on the more focused spell-lists. The more focused lists should also allow us to dual-class more meaningfully as well, which is very FFT-esque. Arcane Ward, Projected Ward, and Improved Abjuration could all make good additions to this class, if we were to want to change anything out (such as possibly removing the turn and destroy undead features).

Next article is going to be a bit of a change of pace. I'm going to comb through the spell-list, and sort it into stuff that belongs in an FFT campaign, and stuff that just doesn't. It'll be of benefit to us building the rest of the Jobs, and it'll be of benefit when I go back to update the ones I didn't do this way.

— Hawkwinter

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