Monday 3 July 2017

FFT - Spells Assessment 2

FFT - Spells Assessment 2

Right. Spells assessment #2. This time I'm covering all of the PHB Spells up to 5th Level. It takes some real time reviewing all of these spells, just because there's a lot of them.

Player's Handbook

Lv 3

All Clear

Animate Dead, Beacon of Hope, Bestow Curse, Blinding Smite, Call Lightning, Conjure Barrage, Counterspell, Crusader's Mantle, Daylight, Dispel Magic, Elemental Weapon, Fear, Fireball, Fly, Gaseous Form, Glyph of Warding, Haste, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Lightning Arrow, Magic Circle, Mass Healing Word, Phantom Steed, Plant Growth, Protection from Energy, Remove Curse, Revivify, Sleet Storm, Slow, Spirit Guardians, Stinking Cloud, Vampiric Touch, Water Breathing, Water Walk


Clairvoyance, Conjure Animals, Create Food and Water, Feign Death, Sending, Speak with Plants, Tongues


Aura of Vitality, Blink, Leomund's Tiny Hut - Probably too much, Major Image, Meld Into Stone, Nondetection - Probably unnecessary given how limited the divination effects are going to be, Speak with Dead - Probably too divinatory.

Lv 4

All Clear

Aura of Purity, Banishment, Blight, Compulsion, Confusion, Control Water, Death Ward, Dimension Door, Dominate Beast, Evard's Black Tentacles, Fire Shield, Freedom of Movement, Grasping Vine, Greater Invisibility, Hallucinatory Terrain, Ice Storm, Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound, Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Phantasmal Killer, Polymorph, Staggering Smite, Stone Shape, Stoneskin, Wall of Fire


Conjure Minor Elementals, Conjure Woodland Beings, Divination - Too much Divination., Fabricate, Giant Insect - Unlikely, Leomund's Secret Chest, Locate Creature


Arcane Eye - This is about the extent of Divination that might be reasonable., Aura of Life - Could be okay. Would be more setting appropriate if nerfed, like most D&D healing, Guardian of Faith - Could be good for Summoner

Lv 5

All Clear

Antilife Shell, Banishing Smite, Bigby's Hand, Circle of Power, Cloudkill, Cone of Cold, Conjure Volley, Contagion, Destructive Wave, Dispel Evil and Good, Dominate Person, Flame Strike, Greater Restoration, Hallow, Hold Monster, Insect Plague, Mass Cure Wounds, Passwall, Planar Binding, Swift Quiver, Telekinesis, Wall of Force, Wall of Stone


Commune, Commune with Nature, Conjure Elemental, Creation, Dream - Monsters Only, Legend Lore, Raise Dead, Rary's Telepathic Bond, Reincarnate, Scrying, Teleportation Circle


Animate Objects - A bit too conjury, Awaken - It's cool, but not exactly on-theme, Contact Other Plane, Geas - Monsters yes, PCs Maybe, Mislead, Modify Memory, Seeming - Such disguise features may be excessive, Tree Stride - Maybe


Made a decent dent in them, most of the spells were clear-cut yes or no, and it was just about the time it took to read through them. Along the way I also started taking notes on Jobs that could be a good fit for some of them, as well. Once I complete this series I will be sure to post a finalized list of all the whitelisted spell effects.

Sorry these posts are a bit dry. They are useful, however. I'm thinking the next post is going to be a departure from what I've been working on thus far, and perhaps even a departure from the FFT 5e series. I want something different, to give myself a change of pace from reviewing stuff for several hours a week. We'll see what I come up with.

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