Wednesday 31 May 2017

D&D 5e FFT: Jobs 6

D&D 5e FFT: Jobs 6

Job Creation 6

Welcome to Part 6 of Job Builds

Today we're going to take a look at the Dragoon


Premise — The Dragoon is a mundane, highly mobile, warrior, who wears heavy armor (Typically Full-Plate or Half-Plate), uses polearms (primarily spears), and has an uncanny, Wuxia-esque long-distance leap attack wherein he leaps in the air and then lands on the opponent, weapon down, for heavy damage output.

Core Gameplay Abilities — No Magic, Plate Armor, High Mobility, High ability to Jump, Exceptionally High ability to Vertically Jump, Spear Use, Hard-Hitting Leap Attack.

Premise — There are several choices already, from homebrew options to refluffing existing classes, so I'm going to pick through and review them and see where to go from there. With luck, One of them will be a good fit.

Class/Subclass Options

Dragoon Dragon Shaman — It gets good jump abilities in the subclass. Unfortunately the core class is a terrible fit. (But, concidentally, a great fit for the Dragonkin (last post))

Eagle Totem Barbarian — You're not remotely a Dragoon until 14 this way. That's no good at all.

Grayfigure's Dragoon Subclass — Fighter Base Class. This gives us the proficiencies.

  • Glyph Jump: There's the core Jump ability. It's a little overcomplicated, it doesn't make a lot of sense if the hero is not Medium Sized because of the explicit size restrictions it includes (rather than relative size restrictions) - Not super relevant in an FFT Campaign where everyone is human, but something I'd consider in a regular D&D campaign, as I've always been inclined to want to come up with was to allow 12-foot-tall large monstrous races. Additionally I don't think a Polearm should be *NECESSARY* to use it for the knockdown effect, any two-handed weapon should work. It's fiddly and could very much use a thorough rephrasing, but it's serviceable. For Damage, you Jump STR+3 (20ft for a Human Fighter at Level 3, or 2d6 damage) You can add weapon damage to that at 4 in place of a second attack roll (or you could just roll the second attack after you land), At 7th it's STR+10ft (3d6 if you maxed out your STR), and at 15th level it's 4d6 damage with maxed out STR.
  • Elusive Jump makes you very dodgy in a very mobile way, at level 7.
  • Weird of the Wyrm gives you a weird "dragon-hunter" focus which I don't much care for.
  • Ancestral Roar: A little underwhelming for level 18 given how many enemies at that level will be immune to fear, but it's flavorful, and passable.

All in all, this is a serviceable Dragoon.

DracoKnight's Dragoon Subclass (Direct) — Another Fighter Subclass. So we've got our armor proficiencies covered already.

  • Aerial Incursion: Again, core Jump ability. This one punishes you for trying it if the target passes their save. It has a larger (non-increasing) range, and a much higher vertical jump portion (You're more likely to be able to jump over a wall.) They get a save against the damage, but the damage will be larger due to the higher fall-height. Lets assume 60ft once you max your strength, or 6d6 at maximum on level ground. When you get it at level 3, you can assume that's a 16 Str, or 48 foot jump = 4d6. Needless to say, 4d6 at level 3 is hefty. Unlike in Grayfigure's Dragoon, you can't use the ability for just movement without taking fall damage.
  • Rebound Assault This lets you "Bounce" and get a second Aerial Incursion in place of replacing another normal attack.
  • Spear of Heaven This gives you an Aerial Assault counterattack.
  • Unfailing Lancer: This ups the DCs of your Incursions by +6.

It's heavier hitting, it's riskier, and it's much more one-note. True, the FFT Dragoon job is very one-note (but it has a second job skillset), and 5e characters are more flexible than that. So far I'm preferring Grayfigure's subclass.

DandWiki's Dragoon Subclass — I have low expectations about D And Wiki, they're known for terrible homebrew. that said, let's review it anyways!

  • Lancer's Leap Reduces the running start needed to jump. Long Jump Str + Half Fighter Lv + STR Mod - Strange to use Strength twice High Jump range becomes 3+Str Mod * 2 - not very high for a Dragoon! Once per turn you can reduce the movement cost of jumping by half. Those are now your normal Jump Rules. You also get a "Leap" action, 5 ft per fighter level in height, and you can land anywhere within your walking distance. So, like DracoKnight's but you can't jump very high at low levels.
  • Velocity If you're holding a weapon and you're conscious, you take 1/2 fall damage. A bit broad and also underwhelming. You can jump, but doing so is gonna hurt.
  • Polearm Specialist +1 attack and damage with polearms. We don't need this, we're a fighter. This is bad design.
  • Dragoon's Strike Now we can finally do the Dragoon thing, at level 7... Ugh.
  • Elite leapAttacks Against you have Disadvantage at L10+, so long as you used Leap. Which you'll naturally do every round...
  • Terminal VelocityNo Fall Damage if Conscious and Wielding a Melee Weapon.
  • Elite Dragoon Critical on a 19-20, add an extra base weapon die on a crit. Chance to knock enemies prone when you Leap-Attack Them.

A mix of underpowered and overpowered (Mostly underpowered) abilities. Not good. Not Impressed. I was expecting it would be broken overpowered, but it's just broken poorly functional.

ajaxx07's Dragoon Subclass(Direct) — Fighter Again. Proficiencies are good.

  • Soaring Strike When you leap before an attack using normal jump rules, add damage = Proficiency for every 10 feet jumped before the attack. Maximum # of attacks in a round capped at 2 if you Jump. All Jump follows Long Jump Formula as though you had a running start. Doesn't work if wearing more than 20lbs of armor.
  • Air Hike At L7, You can now "Double-Jump" in any direction you choose. You can triple jump at 15. These extra Jumps are free move actions that can exceed your speed. If conscious and unrestrained you don't take fall damage if falling less than your maximum jump height.
  • Draconic LoreKnowledge Skills, and Advantage when you use Soaring Strike and attack a large or bigger target in midair.
  • Thunderous Leap When you leap, creatures within 5ft take Strx2 damage, and your leaps don't provoke OAs
  • Pierce the ScalesSoaring Strike damage becomes Force Damage and Stuns opponents.

Well, it's not our worst one, but I don't think its the best one either.

Hack & Slash's Dragoon Subclass (Image) — Fighter Again!

  • Jump Attack "Jump Attack" special action. Limited use Str mod/long rest. Leave the battlefield. can't be targetted or affected in any way. Next turn you use your bonus action to end the jump, and land anywhere within Movement x2 of your starting point. Attack with advantage if desired. At 11, it does double damage. At 20 it does triple. I don't like it. It's too dissociative. It does crap damage. It's mostly a defensive trick so you cant be targetted.
  • Lancet Lifedrain Melee Attack con mod/short rest.
  • Elemental Leap Advantage on checks related to dragon type creatures in any way (except attack rolls). Also, when you land, enemies take 2d8 energy damage unless they pass a dex save. Why only enemies? How does the elemental burst avoid your friends if it radiates out in all directions? Again dissociative. Jumps up to 3d10 at L20
  • Freedom of the Sky additional save vs negative effects to throw them off, and if successful you lose the effect and jump. (What Level do you get this?)
  • Reflexive Jump Jump as a reaction to being targeted and make yourself no longer a valid target.

The whole thing reminds me of the mtg effect "phasing". It also has gamey mechanics that seem completely disconnected with the game world. I strongly dislike it on a visceral level. It's designed like the things I find least enjoyable about D&D (which made up the majority of 4e) where the mechanics are completely divorced from anything that makes sense in the game world.

Tiger Totem Barbarian — You can jump, I guess. Medium Armor. This is probably the best "no homebrew" option. Not very satisfying though, IMO. All that barbarian stuff doesn't fit what I think of when I think Dragoon.

Eldritch Knight Fighter (Jump Spell at 3) — You'd have to get your GM to add Jump to the Spell List, but you could do so. A bit too magic for FFT's Dragoon though.

Battlemaster Fighter — So, the "Charger" feat is pretty close to what we want from Jump. Basically we just want it, and to be able to ignore difficult terrain when doing so, because you're jumping. A flexible GM might allow that (I would consider it). Perhaps as a custom Maneuver of some sort.

So, we have a few options here to consider:

  • Dragon Shaman: Way too magick-y. Good fit for the Dragon-Kin though, which is how I got sidetracked from my Dragoon article last weekend.
  • Eldritch Knight: Same issue as Dragon Shaman. Small amount of homebrew, adding Jump. Also, the Jump comes a bit late.
  • Hack n' Slash: I really dislike this one. I don't like the mechanics, I'm not a fan of how cheesy it is defensively (even if you could cheese it defensively like that in FFT), just... no.
  • ajax007: It's Passable I suppose, It's pretty clearly based on non-Tactics Final Fantasy games, with the flying attacks.
  • D and Wiki: This one was absolutely garbage.
  • DracoKnight: Overly Punitive, and the Damage is high at Low Levels. Also, very one-trick-pony.
  • No Homebrew: Tiger Totem Barbarian is the only one that works. Not the best fit, not very satisfying, but it's the only option without homebrew. If I wanted to play a Dragoon in someone's official materials only campaign and was neither a GM, nor in a game with an accomodating GM, this is the only dragoon I could do that would remotely cover it. I'd have to refluff Rage as some other sort of Zen Battle-trance or something.
  • Battlemaster Fighter with a custom Maneuver and the Charger Feat: This one is a small amount of homebrew. I like this one, potentially. If a player expressed interest in doing this I would write it up for them and allow it.
  • Grayfigure: The best option short of writing something new. For our purposes, we're going to use it.

Grayfigure's Dragoon Subclass

This was an interesting one, because there were so many possible options out there, I wanted to see if I *needed* to customize anything before I made an attempt at doing so. I did have rough notes for how I would have proceeded if I was going to customize, but I didn't end up needing them. Grayfigure's Dragoon is good enough; at least for our quick and dirty first draft, and we didn't need to do a custom Battlemaster this time around. It was also interesting to be able to bang out this many words in this amount of time. Not nearly as much time spent editing when you're reviewing rather than homebrewing!

Hope you guys liked it, I'll catch you again on Saturday night.


Saturday 27 May 2017

D&D 5e FFT: Jobs 5

Job Creation 5

Welcome to Part 5 of Job Builds! This time I'm going to take a stab at the Dragonkin!


Premise — The Dragonkin/Dragoner is a Dragonblooded beastial gish, who has breath weapons and support spells, and a way with (and the ability to talk to) animals.

Core Gameplay Abilities — Elemental Breath Weapons, solid for martial combat, Healing, Status Effect Removal

Unlike the other Jobs I've built, I'm going to attempt this two different ways. One involves a PWYW DM's Guild Class, and the other is going to be tweaks on a PHB Class.

Class/Subclass Options

Dragonformer Dragon Shaman — [Pay What You Want] This one is a great fit for the FFT Dragonkin. The Spell list could use a bit of work, however. It lacks a Charm, Healing, Negative Status Removal, and Buff spell,s which (aside from breath weapons) are the bulk of what a Dragonkin has in FFT. But it does HAVE spellcasting.

Dragonkin Dragonformer Dragon Shaman

"Human in appearance, but descended of dragons. The blood of the Holy Dragon flows in her veins."


No Change

Spell List:
  • Dragonkin Spells (Changes to Dragon Shaman Spell List)
  • Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Daze Animal: Added
  • 1st Level
  • Animal Friendship: Added
  • Charm Person: Added
  • Cure Wounds: Added
  • 2nd Level
  • Animal Messenger: Added
  • Lesser Restoration: Added
  • 3rd Level
  • 4th Level
  • Dominate Beast: Added
  • 5th Level

Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer — Well, this gives us the breath weapons and some dragon fluff, but it's a much more magic focused approach to be sure. Additionally, the sorcerer spell-list isn't any better a fit than the Dragon Shaman one, it's more or less missing the same key spells. But as it's a full spell list, rather than a very limited list, we're going to take a different tack than just adding all the iconic spells

Dragonkin Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer

"Human in appearance, but descended of dragons. The blood of the Holy Dragon flows in her veins."


No Change

Spells: The Dragonkin Sorcerer casts spells like a Sorcerer. However, The spells available do not come from the Sorcerer Spell List. Instead, the Dragonkin Sorcerer casts spells from the Druid Spell List.

Either one of these gives a reasonable approximation of the FFT Dragonkin, depending on how martial-focused you're trying to go. Combining Sorcerer metamagics with the Druid list could also be interesting.

That's it for today. This one was interesting (and not originally what I had planned on covering today, but I stumbled across Dragon Shaman while working on the Dragoon, got sidetracked working on this one, and I just had to go for it.)

See you next time;


Friday 26 May 2017

D&D 5e FFT: Jobs 4

Job Creation 4

Welcome to Part 4 of Job Builds! Up next: The Archer, and the Machinist(Sniper)!


Premise — The Archer is a mundane martial class that specializes on one thing: Ranged Damage. The class is one of two classes with a single feature, which just improves. As for what flavor to use outside combat, it's a toss up, but it should be nonmagical.

Core Gameplay Abilities — Take Aim

Class/Subclass Options

Sharpshooter Fighter — This is the best fit, it even has the "Take Aim" option.

Archer = Sharpshooter Fighter.

Note: The Sharpshooter Subclass for fighter is basically a PERFECT fit for the Archer class in FFT. However, some of the other archer options fit well into the setting. Arcane Archer gives us an archer gish, which is pretty awesome and fits well into FFT's subtheme of having tons of different Gish warrior groups, and Scout gives a great scout option, which fits well with the armies & soldiers theme. Champion Fighter could also fit - in fact it was the one I was thinking of before I started investigating the options. Ranger's nature themes and nature-based spellcasting is the only one that is a weak fit in our medieval politics and warfare world.


Premise — I was looking at the Machinist Job, and was looking at the gunsmith Artificer, and while you *could* use that, it's not the best fit. The Machinists in FFT aren't mages in the least. They don't have mechanical servants. Artificers could fit into Goug thematically, particularly if you're running your game in a more magitech time period, but they're a bit too techy for the War of the Lions. I originally put Engineer away, stumped at how to do it in 5e. Battlemaster fighter with firearms is how to do it. But I'm going to make a few small tweaks to Proficiency. Additionally, some sort of homebrew crafting rules would be a great help, to allow our Machinist to repair and build simple machines.

Core Gameplay Abilities — Snipe - mostly called-shot themed class features, that cripple the opponent.

Class/Subclass Options

Battlemaster Fighter — A stun maneuver would be good if we were to expand this, or some sort of temporary limb-disabling maneuver. But this is our best option for the in-combat stuff. I'm going to suggest additional maneuvers from a Giant in the Playground thread by Ruslan. Specifically, Action Before Thought, Befuddling Strike, Bleeding Strike, Blinding Strike, Covering Strike, Exhausting Strike, Far Shot, Penetrating Strike, and Stealthy Shot. You can find them reposted below, as I did for the Fencer.

Machinist = Battlemaster Fighter.

Machinist Battle Master Fighter

"A Machinist strikes specific areas of the target's body to cause effects."


Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Ranged Weapons, Firearms
Tools: Smith's Tools, Tinker's Tools
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence
Skills: Choose three skills from Athletics, History, Insight, Perception, Religion, and Sleight of Hand

Battle Master

Combat Superiority: Add the following maneuvers
ACTION BEFORE THOUGHT (Battle Master Maneuver): When you make an Initiative check, you can expend one superiority die to add the number rolled on the die to your Initiative result. You can use this maneuver before or after making the Initiative roll, but before the DM announces initiative order.
BEFUDDLING STRIKE (Battle Master Maneuver): When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to confuse the target. You add the superiority die to the attack's damage roll, and the target must make a Wisdom save. On a failure, the first attack made by the target during its next turn targets a random creature the target can see within its reach or range. The target is unaware of this effect until it occurs. Requires Level 15
BLEEDING STRIKE (Battle Master Maneuver): When you hit a living creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to create a bleeding wound. You add the superiority die to the attack's damage roll. At the beginning of your next turn, roll the superiority die again and deal this much necrotic damage to the target due to bleeding. This additional damage is dealt even if you're dead.
BLINDING STRIKE (Battle Master Maneuver): When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to blind the target. You add the superiority die to the attack's damage roll, and the target must make a Constitution save or become blinded until the end of its next turn. Requires Level 15
COVERING STRIKE (Battle Master Maneuver): When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to make the target slow to react. You add the superiority die to the attack's damage roll, and the target must make a Constitution save. On a failure, the target can't take reactions until the start of your next turn.
DISPELLING STRIKE (Battle Master Maneuver): When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to interrupt the target's concentration. You add the superiority die to the attack's damage roll, and the target has Disadvantage on any saves to maintain concentration until the beginning of your next turn. Requires level 9
EXHAUSTING STRIKE (Battle Master Maneuver): When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to exhaust the target. You add the superiority die to the attack's damage roll, and the target must make a Constitution save or acquire one level of Exhaustion.
FAR SHOT (Battle Master Maneuver): When you make a ranged weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to double the weapon’s range. If the attack hits, add the superiority die to the damage roll.
PENETRATING STRIKE (Battle Master Maneuver): When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to overcome the target’s defenses. Add the superiority die to the damage roll. If the target has resistance to the type of damage dealt by the attack, that resistance is ignored. If the target is immune to that type of damage, it becomes resistance instead.
STEALTHY SHOT (Battle Master Maneuver): When you make a ranged weapon attack while hidden, you can expend one superiority die to remain unseen. The attack does not automatically reveal your position. Make a Dexterity (Stealth) check. If the result of this check beats the passive Wisdom (Perception) score of each enemy that could potentially observe you, you stay hidden. If the attack hits, add the superiority die to the damage roll.

Note: Battlemaster for fighter is a great fit for the Machinist job in FFT, once these changes and extra maneuvers have been added, especially.

Roleplay: You are familiar with long forgotten steam and magi-tech equipment, from the last great fallen civilization, and you're well versed in the history of the land, as many snippets of wondrous technological knowledge came from centuries-old historical documents.

That's the two for today; More Job Builds will be coming this weekend. We've gotten a good chunk of them done, and I've (admittedly) gotten many of the easier ones out of the way, simply because I haven't ironed out how best to handle some of the more difficult ones in 5e. The rest could be on the trickier side, not having a good 5e analogue (The FFT Samurai and Summoner spring to mind as potential examples). We'll see what we can cook up.

Catch you guys again this weekend!


Sunday 21 May 2017

D&D 5e FFT: Jobs 3

Job Creation 3

We're back with Part 3 of FFT Job Builds! Up next: The Fencer and the Black Mage! Let's get started.


Premise — The Fencer (or Knight, Depending on Translation) is a mundane expert at martial weapons combat, and all of his techniques are delivered by his primary weapon. His techniques revolve around destroying equipment, and disabling his opponent's body through strikes to their vitals. In D&D terms, he's built around Sundering equipment and Ability Damage. Neither of which actually exists for players in 5e by default - so this is a class that we won't be able to do a very accurate 'Quick n Dirty' build of, we'll have to take liberties with the concept if we're not going to build a bunch of custom abilities for it.

Ability Damage — I actually *REALLY* enjoy the ability to attack something other than HP, and have it have a meaningful impact. That's something I will probably explore in a future article. However, There's no ability damage for players in 5e, and (looking back at 3e) it was present, but not a design consideration. Very high CR monsters could be taken out as easily as regular rats by attacking their ability scores. It's a very interesting mechanic, and I miss it in 5e, but it's also something that needs to be properly designed for, and has been handled poorly in the past. I will likely write something up to bring back ability damage for 5e in the future, but that's at least one post on its own.

Sunder — Someone named Enricorix over at EN World HAS written up a sunder maneuver (even if it's just for held objects).

Core Gameplay Abilities — Sunder (any type of held or worn item, by slot), MP Damage, PA/MA/SP Damage

D&D Analogues — Sunder Weapon/Shield: sunder maneuver, Sunder Armor / Sunder Accessory / MP damage / PA/MA Damage: no real analogue; You'd need to homebrew something. SP Damage: no analogue (It pushes back your turns and makes them less frequent. Maybe a homebrew attack that *might* stun, and DOES lower initiative).

Class/Subclass Options

Battle Master Fighter — It's our best option for an FFT Style Fencer. This one's not going to include much (if any) tweaking compared to the others I've done.

Battle Master Fighter

"A brave and chivalrous warrior of unmatched skill. Uses a knight's sword to unleash the Arts of War."


No change.

Battle Master

Combat Superiority: Add the following maneuver
SUNDERING ATTACK (Battle Master Maneuver): When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one or more superiority dies and you can attempt to sunder the target’s weapon or shield, if you hit, you add the superiority die to the attack’s damage roll to one item that the target is holding of your choice . If the total of damage is equal to or greater than the weapon damage threshold the weapon is considered sundered. A weapon's damage threshold is the same of a weapon's maximum damage die. (8 for a longsword, 10 for a halberd, 12 for a greatsword). Shields have 8 damage threshold. Oversized (or enlarged) weapons have an extra 4 damage threshold for each size category above the original size. Magic weapons are considered to have an extra damage threshold die per rarity level above common. Magic weapons have resistance to all types of damage and all types of damage from nonmagic weapons.
Special Substances: Some special materials as mithral and adamantine have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage from nonmagic weapons. In addition mithral has resitance to weapons that aren’t made of adamantine or mithral. Adamantine has resistance to weapons that aren’t made of adamantine.
Sundered Weapon: A sundered weapon (or shield) is still usable but with disadvantage on rolls to attack (or -1 on AC for shields), until get fixed. A sundered magic weapon's (or shield's) magic properties are suppressed until properly repaired. All sundered weapons are treated as if were improvised weapons.
Weapons immunities: Weapons immunities. As objects weapons are immune to poison and psychic damage. An adamantine weapon or shield is immune to critical hits.

It's not a perfect fit, by far, but it's close enough to fit a "similar" mechanical role. It could really use several more homebrewed maneuvers to round it out.

Note: The Knight Subclass for fighter thematically fits into the setting very well, but it does not cover the playstyle of the FFT Fencer at all. I would absolutely allow it as a separate option, and would consider using it for some Knight type NPCs, however.

Roleplay: You either play this up as a sworn knight, or you play it as a hired sword, or you play it as a skilled soldier; they all work quite well.

Black Mage

Premise — The Black Mage is an AoE specialized blasting caster.

Core Gameplay Abilities — Various AoE elemental spells, Poison, Toad, Death

D&D Analogues — Various evocation spells, Poison: no analogue - 5e lacks ongoing damage over time effects, for the most part. There are a few, though, mostly to do with burning. Searing Smite & Immolation come to mind - maybe another topic for more detail in a future post. For now (to keep it simple) we'll say it's the same as Immolation, but with all the Fire Damage as Poison Damage instead. Toad: Polymorph, True Polymorph, Death: Phantasmal Killer, Power Word Kill.

Class/Subclass Options

Evocation Wizard — This is a really good fit, as is. This time we're going to leave well enough alone.

Black Mage = Evocation Wizard.

This one was easier than expected. Our fencer could use other homebrewed maneuvers, but it's still not a bad fit.


Tuesday 16 May 2017

D&D 5e: Random Ability Score Generation

D&D 5e: Random Ability Score Generation


Today I'm taking a break from my D&D 5e FFT5 series, and writing something that takes a bit less research and number crunching and whatnot, for a change of pace. I'll be bringing back more Job writeups for this weekend. Also; You'll note I've prettified the existing posts for my 5eFFT Series, as well as added an index.

Anyways; today I'm going to look at some alternate approaches to random ability score generation in D&D 5e, which yields results more in-line with what you could get via point-buy. I'm going to focus on my preferred random ability generation method, which is a modified variant of something I saw someone else post on a website years and years ago (I don't remember where I saw the original idea, but if I manage to find it again I'll add a link at the bottom).

Basic Card-Gen

This method of Random Ability Generation relies on a pack of playing cards, not on dice. Using cards instead of dice yields more consistent arrays between party members than dice does.


Take an acceptable array, and add all the Ability Scores together. In this case, I'm going to use the Standard 5th Edition Array: 15,14,13,12,10,8. This adds up to 72, so 72 is the total we're going to work with.

Max & Min

Using point Buy, in D&D 5th Edition, a character can't start with a score higher than 15, or lower than 8, This is also important.

Building our Ability Score Deck

So, our constraints are: Nothing higher than 15, nothing lower than 8, and it adds up to 72. Since there are six Ability Scores, the way this is going to work is 12 cards (2 per Ability Score), with nothing below a 4. For a more frequent 15, we're going to allow a second 8, even though that means the player *could* get a 16.

To round out the options, here's the core of our deck:

It adds up to 60, it covers the range of numbers from 8 to 16, and leaves us 12 to work with for our final 2 cards. It also has the same average as the standard array.

The Choices

Now, for the last two cards, there's 2 viable choices. (there are other cards that would fit the total, but D&D is a game of specialization, and they're more likely to result in a "slightly above average Joe" with an array full of 12s, so I'm not going to recommend those.


The wild card doubles whatever's it's drawn with. Because our *Average* card is a 6, the wildcard counts as a 6 when you're adding up your 72, and two wild cards are drawn together, that's worth 12 - like if you had drawn two sixes. It adds in a bit of variance to the total Ability Score, as each wildcard could pair with a 4 (-2) or an 8 (+2), a little like dice, but still far more consistent than using dice.

Eight & Four

The Eight and Four give decent odds of a specialized array, while staying constrained in the 72.


I think with 5e (unlike Pathfinder which has a larger variance in valid point buy arrays and thus has much swingier wildcards), I personally prefer using two wildcards over an eight and a four. It's more likely to result in a 16 or an 8, and less likely to result in a 12.

Final Deck Note - More Wild!~

If you find yourself wanting more variance than two wildcards give you, you can swap out the sixes for another two wildcards.

Using the Ability Score Deck

So, for the basic approach, you choose one of the two decks above, and your player shuffles the deck and then draws pairs, giving them a complete array.

Array Pools

If you're feeling generous, instead of each player rolling an array and being stuck with it, you can do one of the following to give the player a bit more choice in their final array. Which one you choose will depend on just how generous you feel.

Global Shared Pool

As each array is drawn, record it. After an array is drawn for each player, players build their character with any of the arrays that were drawn. Their choice. This will yield results a bit closer to point buy, as they'll choose the array that best works for what they're trying to play. Expect to see only a couple of the arrays get used.

Generous Limited Pools

Arrange all the players around a table (or otherwise find a way to put them in some sort of trackable linear order). Each player can build with their own array, or the array of an adjacent player.

Limited Pools

Arrange all the players around a table (or otherwise find a way to put them in some sort of trackable linear order). Each player can build with their own array, or the array of the player to their left.

I really like using cards if I want a campaign with non-point buy Ability Scores, and don't feel like providing the players with a couple of hand-built arrays to choose from.

Until next time,


Sunday 14 May 2017

D&D 5e FFT: Jobs 2

Job Creation 2

Welcome to Part 2 of Job Builds! As I mentioned in Tuesday's Article, In this section of our FFT 5e Campaign Buildout, I'll be going through all of the Jobs, and figuring out how to get a reasonable approximation of them in D&D 5e, using only: Published Materials, UA Materials, and (if necessary) freely available Homebrew. No new abilities in these Class Lenses, but Mix & Match Class Features and minor tweaks will be made. Up next: The Mystic/Oracle, and the Mediator/Orator


Premise — So, the Mystic/Oracle (Depending on translation) is a Taoist mystic who uses their understanding of the Tao for magical effects, especially curses on other characters.

Core Gameplay Abilities — "Curses"(Blind, Undead, Silence, Berserk, Fear, Confusion, Paralyze, Sleep, Petrify), Remove Buffs, HP/MP Drain

D&D Analogues — Blinded: "Blindness/Deafness", Silence: "Silence", Frightened: "Cause Fear", "Fear", Confusion: "Confusion", Paralyzed: "Hold Person", "Hold Monster", Petrified: "Flesh to Stone", Unconscious: "Sleep", "Bestow Curse"

Class/Subclass Options

Lore Bard — Cutting Words is a decent fit as a curse. But most of the other bardic class features are not. The Spell list hits a good chunk of our targets, but so do other lists.

Knowledge Cleric — Many of the Knowledge Cleric features are a very good fit. Read Thoughts is not such a great fit, and Scrying and Read Thoughts will also get in the way of the themes of the setting. Turn Undead is also a terrible fit...

Prophecy Cleric? — Oracle's Burden doesn't fit the flavor. The other features are a pretty good fit. The Domain Spells aren't perfect, and could use some work.

Divination Wizard — Matches up decently well with the fluff. Lacks Silence, Confusion

We're going to build it out of the Prophecy Cleric.

Domain of Prophecy, Mystic, Cleric

"A Mystic with the ability to bend the forces of the cosmos to his or her will."


Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor. [No More Shields]
Weapons: Simple Weapons and Tomes* [*FFT Weapon which doesn't exist in 5e.]
Tools: None.
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Skills: Choose two from History, Insight, Medicine, Persuasion, and Religion

Mysticism Domain (Altered Prophecy Domain)

Oracle's Burden: Oracle's Burden, which is equal parts positive and negative effects, does not apply to this Lens.
Domain Spells:
Cleric Level Spells
1st Cause Fear, Sleep
3rd Blindness/Deafness, Crown of Madness
5th Bestow Curse, Babel's Curse
7th Confusion, Divination
9th Commune, Hold Monster
Spell List:
  • Mystic Spells (Changes to Cleric Spell List)
  • Cantrips (0 Level)
  • 1st Level
  • Cure Wounds: Removed
  • 2nd Level
  • 3rd Level
  • 4th Level
  • 5th Level
  • Mass Cure Wounds: Removed
  • Raise Dead: Removed
  • 6th Level
  • Curse of Infirmity: Added
  • Flesh to Stone: Added
  • 7th Level
  • Regenerate: Removed
  • 8th Level
  • Greater Curse: Added
  • 9th Level
  • Eternal Sleep: Added

Cleric Features

Turn Undead, Destroy Undead: Turn Undead, Destroy Undead isn't a good fit for the Mystic. He's really not that kind of priest, just like he's not a healer. He deals in Fate, Prophecy, and Curses. Instead, he gets Path to the Grave at 2, and Sentinel at Death's Door at 6, both pulled from Cleric of the Grave (UA)

Iconic Spells

Any "Curse" spell, "Fear" Spell, "Sleep" spell, negative and decidedly unfriendly Mind-Affecting spells.

Mechanically, here's our FFT Oracle/Mystic. It should fit the bill.

Roleplay: This is a Taoist mystic. I currently know virtually nothing about Taoism (I merely did an adaptation based on the ingame text and mechanical abilities the Job has), but I personally would look up a primer on the subject before playing one, in an FFT campaign (I imagine it would make the game more interesting). To save on the search if you're inclined to do so yourself, here are a variety of sources and comments I recently saw linked/suggested in a thread about Taoism for someone else's campaign. The first few are simple free articles on the subject, and a Youtube video.:

  • "The most basic tenet of the Tao is this: you may do whatever you wish, as long as you are aware that if you act in accordance with the way the world works, you will find your path easy; and when you work against the way the world works, you will find your path made difficult by ten thousand things. The Tao does not care for good or evil, or right or wrong. People care very much about those things, and thus, if you act in accordance with the Tao, you must also act in accordance with the things the people around you find acceptable. There are some things which people do and think and act upon which are against the Tao, and when you must choose between them, choose the Tao."
  • Alan Watts - The Taoist Way
  • Tao Te Ching
  • Taoism - Wikipedia
  • Yin and Yang - Wikipedia
  • Way of the Five Pecks of Rice
  • Zhuangzi 1, 2, 33
  • Everyday Tao by Ming-Dao Deng
  • 365 Tao: Daily Meditations
If I were to decide I didn't care if I fit the Taoist flavor for my campaign, I'd simply run it as a sort of prophet type character with a talent for cursing people, and some influence on fate.


Premise — So, the Mediator/Orator (Depending on Translation), is two different things. Fluffwise, it's a completely mundane party face that uses Animal Handling, Deception, Intimidation, and Persuasion to raise or lower character morale, as well as to coopt characters into taking specific actions. However - Gameplay-wise, it's a social-skilled mind-control mage with guns. Building the former would likely be a complicated custom class. So we're going to build the latter. Plus, mind-control mages deployed by multiple factions during a succession war as a common battlefield occurrence is kindof terrifying.

Core Gameplay Abilities — Guns, Invitation, Stall, Praise/Intimidate, Preach/Enlighten, Condemn, Insult (Berserk), Mimic Darlavon (Sleep), Negotiate

D&D Analogues — Invitation: Animal Friendship (1), , Stall, Praise/Intimidate, Preach/Enlighten, Condemn, Insult, Mimic darlavon, Negotiate

Class/Subclass Options

Knowledge Cleric — Scrying and Read Thoughts will also get in the way of the themes of the setting. Turn Undead is also a terrible fit. It puts a bit more of a diviner spin on the Cleric, which may not be ideal. Some of the other features however, are pretty good.

Prophecy Cleric? — Oracle's Burden doesn't fit the flavor. The other features are a pretty good fit. The Domain Spells aren't perfect, and could use some work.

Enchantment Wizard — Hypnotic Gaze is a good fit for Stall, but you do have to get awfully close. If you find yourself in Melee, it could be a good way to hold the creature while the party dispatches his friends. Instinctive Charm is a good thematic mind control fit, though it doesn't really match up to any of the in game Job abilities. Alter memories isn't bad either.

It appears we'll have an easier time building this Class Lens from Enchantment Wizard, so that's what we're going to do.

Tradition of Enchantment, Orator, Wizard

"A warrior who participates in battle using Speechcraft. Words, rather than swords, are the orator's weapons."


Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: Daggers, Guns, Light Crossbows
Tools: None.
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Skills: Choose two from Animal Handling, Arcana, Deception, History, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, and Persuasion


Spellcasting:An Orator uses Charisma instead of Intelligence as their spellcasting ability for all purposes related to their spells and class features.
Spell List: An Orator Wizard cannot learn or cast Abjuration, Conjuration, or Evocation spells, and can only cast Necromancy and Transmutation spells which are either mind-affecting or communication-based. (Yeah, we could make a whitelist instead, but this covers our bases well enough.)
  • Orator Spells (Changes to Wizard Spell List)
  • Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Daze Animal: Added
  • 1st Level
  • Animal Friendship: Added
  • Command: Added
  • 2nd Level
  • Animal Messenger: Added
  • Calm Emotions: Added
  • Enthrall: Added
  • Helpless Grief: Added
  • Zone of Truth: Added
  • 3rd Level
  • 4th Level
  • Compulsion: Added
  • Dominate Beast: Added
  • Voice of Confession: Added
  • 5th Level
  • Interrogation: Added
  • Reverence: Added
  • Voice of Memories: Added
  • 6th Level
  • 7th Level
  • Charismatic Shield: Added
  • 8th Level
  • Greater Curse: Added
  • 9th Level
  • Eternal Sleep: Added

Iconic Spells

Various Mind-affecting spells, such as Suggestion.

This should get the job done for our Mindcontrolling Mage Orator, with Guns. Key abilities are Charisma for spellcasting, followed by Dexterity for guns. His damage output will be decent but won't be amazing, but that's not his focus. My only concern is that a lot of these things are concentration effects, which may get in the way of the Job keeping up in a real combat setting.Some of these jobs could benefit from some playtest combat. Maybe that will make a good future article. The Guns themselves I'll be addressing when I get to equipment, but you can expect them to have scaling damage since you can't get multiple attacks out of them in a round without extra actions because Reload.

Roleplay: I see this as a combination Negotiator/Interrogator. However, they would also see use behind the scenes manipulating politics for whomever they represent. This take on Orator seems hella fun to me, and I would love to play one. A mundane gunslinging party face could be fun too, but in a very different way. People would be nervous around such mages, but they'd also be valuable assets. This is very much more keeping with the FFT Gameplay for the Mediator/Orator than it is for the fluff of the Job, naturally. Perhaps at some point I'll revisit it and make the other interpretation of the Job, but for now, here it is!

Hope you enjoyed this one, and I'll see you guys next time!


Tuesday 9 May 2017

D&D 5e FFT: Jobs 1

Job Creation 1

Today's article is the start of Job Builds! In this section of our Quick & Dirty FFT>>D&D5e Conversion, I will be going through all of the Jobs, and figuring out how to get a reasonable approximation of them in D&D 5e, using only: Published Materials, UA Materials, and (if necessary) freely available Homebrew. When needed, adjustments will be made here to make it fit. I'm not going to be doing any number crunching or playtesting here, so I'm going to avoid making any new abilities, and will instead look for ways to "swap like for like". Expect to see mashups of other archetypes and such in this series, that's how we're going to get 34 Jobs built out in a reasonable timeframe.

Assassin & Ninja

I took a stab at writing both of these jobs up separately, but it mostly came down to Ninja lacking Quivering Palm and Stunning strike, possibly with Two Weapon fighting added on as a combat style. I think they're close enough that I'm going to merge them, but you could take the time to make them into two very similar archetypes on Monk. For our immediate purposes, I'm going to say they're the same archetype.

Way of Shadow Monk — is our best fit. It's gives us the closest option to our Chi Blocking attacks, and has our ninja stealth.

Way of Shadows Monk could really use some tweaking to better match the sort of skills Lettie and Celia have, so I'm going to make a lens to do just that. By Lens, I mean alternative view on an existing class. "Small" modifications to the combination of Class + Archetype. I expect I'll be making a few of these.

Way of Shadow, Assassin, Monk

A mysterious assassin who specializes in both stealth and disabling targets.


Armor: none
Weapons: Bow (Short), Crossbow (Hand), Darts, Knives, Shortswords, and Longswords. These weapons count as Monk Weapons for you, and are the only weapons that do. Additionally, Longswords count as light weapons for you.
Tools: 1 From Disguise Kit, Forgery Kit, or Poisoner's Kit
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
Skills: 2 From Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Investigation, Perception, Stealth.
These Proficiencies replace the Monk Proficiencies.

Way of Shadow

Quivering Palm: At level 17, you gain Quivering Palm. This replaces Opportunist.


Charm, Petrify, Sleep, Paralysis. However, (Variant Poisons are a topic for a future post...)
That gives us our Assassin/Ninja Job, fitting nicely in line with what an Assassin does, and our Assassin theme, from FFT.


Unfortunately, there is no official Monk Archetype that yields a close match to the FFT monk. So I looked to see if there was a close match that someone has homebrewed, and again, I couldn't find anything. Our options are to play a different, non-FFT style of monk, or to come up with something. For our purposes I'm going to come up with something.

There are several archetypes with a single feature reminiscent of the FFT Monk, so I'm going to frankenstein something together from several of them.

Open Hand Monk — Has Quivering Palm @ 17, which is basically Doom Fist. The rest of it is not a good fit.

Four Elements Monk — Has Unbroken Air @ 3, which is a good Wave Fist technique, but everything else it brings is a bad fit, and it can't fill the healing and debuff removal role that Monks fill in FFT, it also lacks a Doom Fist Analogue, which is of course, part of Open Hand. (It's an option that's pointless before level 6 because it just doesn't scale well with HP, so I'd suggest we instead use use the revised version of Unbroken Air from Way of Four Elements Remastered (Unofficial))

Mistweaver Monk (Unofficial) — Has various support & healing abilities, which fill the support role (better than an FFT Monk ever can), Giving tons of healing and status effect removal. We like it for Expel Harm.

Jade Serpent Monk (Unofficial) — We're going to take Strikes of the Jade Serpent @ 3 as our "Chakra". No Proficiency with Brewer's Supplies, however.

We didn't find a good Earthslash/Shockwave ability, but we've covered most of the other iconic Monk abilities. This will do, for "Quick & Dirty", which is all we're going for here - we've got too many campaign changes to do to spend a ton of time on each class. So, now, to put it together.

Way of the Open Hand, Ascetic, Monk


Skills: Add Medicine to the list of skills which can be chosen for Proficiency.

Way of The Open Hand

Strikes of the Jade Serpent: Monastic Tradition available starting at level 3. You count as an ally for the purposes of this ability, regardless of whether that is normally still the case in 5e. Does not come with proficiency in Brewer's Supplies.
Unbroken Air: Replaces Monastic Tradition available starting at level 3.
Expel Harm: Monastic Tradition available starting at level 6.
Wholeness of Body is not available to Monks with this lens.

That gives us a decent approximation of FFT's Monk. It's not perfect, but it's much closer than what we started with, and for our quick n' dirty total conversion, it will do well enough. Because Monk took a bunch of searching to find appropriate abilities to substitute, it took much longer than I thought it would; so, for today, that's the collection. 3 Jobs down, 31 to go. I hope you enjoyed the article. Next Batch coming this weekend.


Saturday 6 May 2017

D&D 5e FFT: Job Analysis

D&D 5e FFT: Job Analysis

Job Analysis

So, today I'm going to be dissecting the FFT Jobs, what their role is in a party, what their key abilities are, and what their fluff/concept description is. Because FFT has some overlapping abilities, and some jobs even have the same skillset but different names, or very slight differences between them, I will be grouping some things together in order to get a good overview.

In this post I'm going to make heavy use of hyperlinks to Final Fantasy Wikia (FFT), which I am making use of to write today's article.

Job/Characters Type/Combat Role Stats Proficiencies Fluff Concept/Key Abilities Comments
Archer (Build) Mundane
Damage (Ranged)
HP Avg; MP Low; PA Avg; MA Low; Ev 10%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8 Bows, Crossbows, Hats, Clothes, Shields
Ranged Soldier"Equipped with a bow and arrow, this warrior provides valuable long-range attacks. May Aim for higher damage."

Aim, *Never Miss
Arithmetician Caster
Generalist Mage
HP Low; MP Low; PA Low; MA Low; Ev 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 3 Poles, Tomes, Clothes, Robes
Generalist Mage"A learned warrior who uses Arithmeticks to analyze natural phenomena and pinpoint magickal attacks."

Arithmetician has *ALL* the spells and broken math-based unit targetting, in exchange for low damage multipliers, low speed, low HP, and low MP. If we include them, they will need to fill an altered niche.
Assassin (Build)
Lettie, Celia
Damage (Close), Debuffs
HP High; MP High; PA High; MA High; Evade 30%; Move 5; Jump 7; Speed 9 Katana, Ninjato, Hats, Clothes
Assassin"A diabolical killer trained by an order of assassins to quickly dispatch enemies with Subdual Arts."

Stop, Charm, Dead, and Petrify
The Only Assassins in FFT are boss characters. They're highly mobile and have very high stats. I'm envisioning this job as a sort of Ty Lee style Chi Blocking specialist
Orran Durai
HP High; MP Low; PA Avg; MA Low; Evade 20%; Move 3; Jump 4; Speed 8 Tomes, Hats, Clothes, Robes
Astrologer/Augur"A learned augur who uses Astrology to manipulate fate and sway the course of battle."

Stop, Immobilize, Disable
Orran is the only Astrologer who shows up in the game, and only briefly. If we include this it will need expanding.
Bard Caster
Buffs + Healing
HP Low; MP High; PA Low; MA High; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8 Instruments, Hats, Clothes
Support Bard"A warrior who uses his voice as a weapon. May use Bardsong to support his allies in battle."

Buffs and Recovery for all allies
Zalmour, Bremondt
Healing + Debuffs
HP Avg; MP High; PA Low; MA High; Evade 9%; Move 4; Jump 3; Speed 7 Rods, Staves, Books, Poles, Hats, Clothes, Robes
Bishop/Inquisitor"A powerful priest celebrant selected from scores of his peers. He will stop at nothing to hunt down and exterminate heretics."

Healing + Debuffs, Variant Priest
Chemist Mundane
Healing + Buffs
HP Low; MP Avg; PA Low; MA Avg; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8 Knives, Guns, Hats, Clothes
Chemist/Herbalist"An expert in the use of items to recover HP or remove vexing status ailments."

Ranged Buff through "potion" use
Cleric/Princess (Build)
Ovelia, Alma
HP Low/Avg; MP Avg/High; PA Avg; MA High/Avg; Evade 18%/24%/20%; Move 4; Jump 3; Speed 8/6 Staves, Hats, Clothes, Robes
Abbot/Nun/Friar"A true believer in the divine power of the gods, using Holy Magick to protect loved ones"

Protection Spells, Removing Debuffs
Dancer Caster
HP Low; MP V.Low; PA Low; MA Low; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8 Knives, Scarves, Hats, Clothes
Attack Bard"A warrior who dances across the battlefield, garbed in colorful raiments."

Status Effects, ability damage, and damage that hits *all* enemies.
Dragonkin (Build)
Reis Duelar
Damage (Close), Buffs
HP V.High; MP V.High; PA V.High; MA V.High; Evade 7%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 11 None
Dragon-Mage"Human in appearance, but descended of dragons. The blood of the Holy Dragon flows in her veins."

Breath weapons + short range support magic, Talk to Beasts
Dragoon (Build) Mundane
Damage (Close)
HP High; MP V. Low; PA High; MA V. Low; Evade 15%; Move 3; Jump 4; Speed 8 Polearms, Helmets, Armor, Robes
Elite Lancers"A warrior who may make soaring Jump attacks even in full armor, the dragoon is also a master spearman."

Geomancer Gish
Damage (Ranged) + Debuffs
HP High; MP High; PA High; MA High; Evade %10; Move 4; Jump 3; Speed 8 Swords, Axes, Hats, Clothes, Robes, Shields
Terrain Mage"A warrior who uses Geomancy to control powers lying dormant in the natural terrain."

Nature Mage Terrain-based Attack+Debuff Combat Abilities.
Knight (Build)
Isilud Tengille [With Jump], Milleuda Folles, Argath Thadalfus, Gragoroth Levigne, Gustav Margriff
Damage (Close) + Debuffs
HP High; MP Avg; PA High; MA Avg; Evade 10%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8 Swords, Knight Swords, Helmets, Armor, Robes, Shields
Veteran Soldier, Ranked Officer "A brave and chivalrous warrior of unmatched skill. Uses a knight's sword to unleash the Arts of War."

Sunder and Ability Damage using your Weapons
Knight, Ark
Damage (Close) + Debuffs
HP High; MP High; PA High; MA High; Evade %10; Move 5; Jump 4; Speed 11 Swords, Knight Swords, Helmets, Armor, Robes, Shields
Ability Damage Divine Knight"A warrior sworn to the service of the gods, using its Blade of Ruin to rend both body and soul."

PA/MA/MP/SP Damage
Delita also has this Job title, but has the Temple Knight skillset. Ark Knight and Divine Knight are both Gish interpretations on the regular Knight, each having half the Knight Abilities, but as ranged magic skills.
Knight, Dark (Build)
Goffard Gaffgarion
Damage (Close)
HP High; MP Avg; PA Avg; MA Avg; Evade %15; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 7 Swords, Knight Swords, Axes, Flails, Helmets, Armor, Robes, Clothes, Shields
Lifedrinking Mageknight"A fallen knight who has turned his back on the light of the gods. He leeches the souls of enemies with his Fell Sword."

HP & MP Absorption
Knight, Gryphon
Beowulf Cadmus, Aliste Rosenheim
Damage (Close) + Debuffs
HP High; MP High; PA High; MA High; Evade 14%; Move 4; Jump 3; Speed 8 Knives, Swords, Knight Swords, Helmets, Armor, Robes, Shields
Status Effect Gish Knight"A devout knight who defends the Church from heretics. Uses Spellblade techniques to strike down the enemy"

Pure Status Effect Spells
Knight, Holy
Agrias Oaks, Delita Heiral (Ch2), Wiegraf Folles
Damage (Close) + Debuffs
HP High; MP High; PA High; MA High; Evade 25%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 6 Swords, Knight Swords, Helmets, Armor, Robes, Shields
Paladin"Baptized in the divine light of the Church, the Holy Knight smites foes with powerful Holy Sword techniques."
"A pious knight clad in pure white armor. His untarnished soul enables him to wield a Holy Sword to smite enemies."

Debuff AOE Strikes (Accurate, Small AOE, Short Ranged, Elemental Weapon Damage + Chance of Status Effect)
Knight, Rune
Dycedarg Beoulve
Damage (Close) +
HP High; MP High; PA High; MA High; Evade 10%; Move 4; Jump 3; Speed 9 Swords, Knight Swords, Helmets, Armor, Robes, Shields
Arcane Knight"An elite knight who wears armor inscribed with magick runes of ancient and mysterious power."

Defensive Magic Shield, Blast Spells, Debuff AOE Strikes
Knight, Temple
Folmarv Tengille, Meliadoul Tengille, Loffrey Wodring, Delita Heiral (Late Game)
Damage (Close) + Debuffs
HP High; MP Low; PA High; MA Low; Evade 12%; Move 4; Jump 3; Speed 6 Swords, Knight Swords, Crossbows, Polearms, Helmets, Armor, Clothes, Robes, Shields
Sunder Templar"A Knight versed in both scripture and sword, sworn to the service of the Gods."

Sunder Strikes
Ark Knight and Divine Knight are both Gish interpretations on the regular Knight, each having half the Knight Abilities, but as ranged magic skills.
Machinist (Build)
Mustadio Bunansa, Barich Fendsor
Damage (Ranged), Debuffs
HP High; MP Low; PA Low; MA Low; Evade 18%; Move 3; Jump 4; Speed 10 Guns, Hats, Clothes
Called-Shot/Debuff Marksman "An engineer working to revive lost technologies, capable of firing guns highly accurately with the Aimed Shot ability."

Immobilize/Disable/Petrify Ranged Attacks
Low PA and MA is irrelevant to guns in FFT, which are based on nothing but the Gun's WP score.
Mage, Black (Build) Caster
Damage (Ranged) + Debuffs
HP Low; MP High; PA Avg; MA Avg; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8 Rods, Hats, Clothes, Robes
Blaster Mage "A warrior who uses Black Magicks to channel elemental powers into powerful offensive spells."

Attack Magic, Mostly Evocation
Mage, Red Gish
Damage (Melee) + Damage (Ranged), Healing, Protection
HP Low; MP High; PA Low; MA High; Evade 5%; Move 4; Jump 2; Speed 8 Knives, Rapiers, Hats, Clothes
Black/White Mage Gish."The Red Mage commands not only white and black magicks, but also those uniquely her own."

Blasting, Healing, Protection, Silence.
FFTA2 Class, not FFT:WoTL Class, but it's a classic, its absence in FFT was noted, and it doesn't clash with the lore, so it's in the list as a maybe.
Mage, Time Caster
Buffs, Debuffs
HP Low; MP High; PA Low; MA High; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8 Staves, Hats, Clothes, Robes
Time & Space Mage "The Time Mage controls time and space. This sorcerer toys with the laws of the universe."

Haste/Slow/Stop/Don'tMove/Gravity/Float/Reflect. Move Via Teleport.
Mage, White (Build) Caster
HP Low; MP High; PA Avg; MA High; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 9 Staves, Hats, Clothes, Robes
Priest "A warrior who taps into the powers of the divine, using White Magicks to cast spells of recovery and protection."

Healing, "Raising", Removing Debuffs, and Protective Spells.
Mediator/Orator (Build) Caster?
HP Low; MP Low; PA Low; MA Average; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8 Guns, Knives, Hats, Clothes, Robes
Diplomat"A warrior who participates in battle using Speechcraft. Words, rather than swords, are the orator's weapons."

Diplomacy, Brave/Faith +/-, Stun, Berserk, Sleep, Negotiate
Attacks using guns (which are stat-independent in FFT), and speechcraft (which doesnt do "damage")
Monk (Build) Gish
Damage (Close) + Healing
HP High; MP Low; PA High; MA Avg; Evade 20%; Move 3; Jump 4; Speed 9 Clothes
Wuxia Monk "A warrior, devoted to physical training, whose unarmed attacks are deadly. May use Martial Arts."

Mystic Kung Fu (Aurablast, Shockwave, Doom Fist) + Burst remove debuffs, AOE heal, and revive fallen allies.
Mystic (Build) Caster
HP Low; MP High; PA Low; MA High; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8 Poles, Rods, Staves, Books, Hats, Clothes, Robes
Taoist Mystic "A warrior who uses the Mystic Arts to bend the forces of the cosmos to his or her will."

"Curses"(Blind, Undead, Silence, Berserk, Fear, Confusion, Paralyze, Sleep, Petrify), Remove Buffs, HP/MP Drain
Ninja (Build) Mundane
Damage (Close) + Damage (Ranged)
HP Low; MP Low; PA High; MA Avg; Evade 30%; Move 4; Jump 4; Speed 10 Knives, Ninjato, Flails, Shuriken, Bombs, Hats, Clothes
Fantasy Ninja "A warrior who uses stealth to be all but invisible. The ninja may also Throw weapons at faraway enemies."

Dual Wield, Dodge AC, Ninja Vanish.
Marquis Messam Elmdore de Limberry
Damage (Close) + Buff + Debuffs
HP Low; MP High; PA High; MA Avg; Evade 20%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8 Katanas, Helmets, Armor, Robes
Burst AOE Mageknight"Following a warrior ethic from a foreign land, the samurai uses Iaido techniques to attack with his or her katana."

Burst AOE magic. Damage, MP Damage, Debuffs(Slow, Confuse, Doom), Buffs (Protect, Shell, Regen, Haste)
Rapha & Marach Galthena
Damage (Ranged), Debuffs
HP Low/High; MP High/Low; PA Low/High; MA High/Low; Evade 10%/8; Move 3/4; Jump 3; Speed 10/9 Staves, Poles, Hats, Clothes, Robes
Elemental-Spellcasting Monk."An assassin able to bend the laws of nature by speaking the words of forbidden Sky Mantra."

Elemental Damage(Lightning, Fire, Wind, Water, Earth), Debuffs(Blind, Confuse, Silence, Toad, Poison, Slow, Sleep). Unpredictable Effects.
I hated these in FFT. Too unreliable to be useful. Potentially neat idea. Will see what can be done.
Cletienne Duroi, Valmafra Lenande
Damage (Ranged) + Healing
HP Avg; MP High; PA Low; MA High; Evade 14%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 10 Knives, Rods, Staves, poles, Hats, Clothes, Robes
Archmage/High Priest"A magick user with countless incantations at his command. His powerful spells make all those who oppose him suffer."

Squire Mundane
Damage (Close) + Buffs + Healing
HP Avg; MP V.Low; PA Low; MA V.Low; Evade 5%; Move 4; Jump 3; Speed 8 Knives, Swords, Axes, Flails, Hats, Clothes
Apprentice/Footsoldier "This job serves as the foundation for all others, forming the first step on the road to becoming a legendary warrior."

Generalist Skillset
Probably not suited to being a PC Class.
Summoner Caster
Damage (Ranged), Buffs, Debuffs, Healing
HP Low; MP High; PA Low; MA High; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8 Rods, Staves, Hats, Robes
Generalist Shaman"A warrior who may Summon the most powerful of spirits, the beings known as espers"

Expensive Big AOE Spells (Healing, Elemental Damage, Temporary HP, Reflect, Silence)
Thief Mundane
HP Avg; MP Low; PA Avg; MA Low; Evade 25%; Move 4; Jump 4; Speed 9 Knives, Hats, Clothes
Thief "Warriors who can steal anything from anyone. Their skill is legendary."

Steals Enemy Gear Mid-Use, Charm

Archer (Build)

  • Type: Mundane
  • Combat Role: Damage (Ranged)
  • Stats: HP Avg; MP Low; PA Avg; MA Low; Ev 10%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Bows, Crossbows, Hats, Clothes, Shields
  • Concept:
    Ranged Soldier"Equipped with a bow and arrow, this warrior provides valuable long-range attacks. May Aim for higher damage."
  • Key Abilities: Aim, *Never Miss


  • Type: Caster
  • Combat Role: Generalist Mage
  • Stats: HP Low; MP Low; PA Low; MA Low; Ev 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 3
  • Proficiencies: Poles, Tomes, Clothes, Robes
  • Concept:
    Generalist Mage"A learned warrior who uses Arithmeticks to analyze natural phenomena and pinpoint magickal attacks."
  • Comments: Arithmetician has *ALL* the spells and broken math-based unit targetting, in exchange for low damage multipliers, low speed, low HP, and low MP. If we include them, they will need to fill an altered niche.

Assassin (Build)

  • Characters: Lettie, Celia
  • Type: Mundane
  • Combat Role: Damage (Close), Debuffs
  • Stats: HP High; MP High; PA High; MA High; Evade 30%; Move 5; Jump 7; Speed 9
  • Proficiencies: Katana, Ninjato, Hats, Clothes
  • Concept:
    Assassin"A diabolical killer trained by an order of assassins to quickly dispatch enemies with Subdual Arts."
  • Key Abilities: Stop, Charm, Dead, and Petrify
  • Comments: The Only Assassins in FFT are boss characters. They're highly mobile and have very high stats. I'm envisioning this job as a sort of Ty Lee style Chi Blocking specialist


  • Characters: Orran Durai
  • Type: Caster
  • Combat Role: Debuffs
  • Stats: HP High; MP Low; PA Avg; MA Low; Evade 20%; Move 3; Jump 4; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Tomes, Hats, Clothes, Robes
  • Concept:
    Astrologer/Augur"A learned augur who uses Astrology to manipulate fate and sway the course of battle."
  • Key Abilities: Stop, Immobilize, Disable
  • Comments: Orran is the only Astrologer who shows up in the game, and only briefly. If we include this it will need expanding.


  • Type: Caster
  • Combat Role: Buffs + Healing
  • Stats: HP Low; MP High; PA Low; MA High; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Instruments, Hats, Clothes
  • Concept:
    Support Bard"A warrior who uses his voice as a weapon. May use Bardsong to support his allies in battle."
  • Key Abilities: Buffs and Recovery for all allies


  • Characters: Zalmour, Bremondt
  • Type: Caster
  • Combat Role: Healing + Debuffs
  • Stats: HP Avg; MP High; PA Low; MA High; Evade 9%; Move 4; Jump 3; Speed 7
  • Proficiencies: Rods, Staves, Books, Poles, Hats, Clothes, Robes
  • Concept:
    Bishop/Inquisitor"A powerful priest celebrant selected from scores of his peers. He will stop at nothing to hunt down and exterminate heretics."
  • Key Abilities: Healing + Debuffs, Variant Priest


  • Type: Mundane
  • Combat Role: Healing + Buffs
  • Stats: HP Low; MP Avg; PA Low; MA Avg; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Knives, Guns, Hats, Clothes
  • Concept:
    Chemist/Herbalist"An expert in the use of items to recover HP or remove vexing status ailments."
  • Key Abilities: Ranged Buff through "potion" use

Cleric/Princess (Build)

  • Characters: Ovelia, Alma
  • Type: Caster
  • Combat Role: Buffs
  • Stats: HP Low/Avg; MP Avg/High; PA Avg; MA High/Avg; Evade 18%/24%/20%; Move 4; Jump 3; Speed 8/6
  • Proficiencies: Staves, Hats, Clothes, Robes
  • Concept:
    Abbot/Nun/Friar"A true believer in the divine power of the gods, using Holy Magick to protect loved ones"
  • Key Abilities: Protection Spells, Removing Debuffs


  • Type: Caster
  • Combat Role: Debuffs
  • Stats: HP Low; MP V.Low; PA Low; MA Low; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Knives, Scarves, Hats, Clothes
  • Concept:
    Attack Bard"A warrior who dances across the battlefield, garbed in colorful raiments."
  • Key Abilities: Status Effects, ability damage, and damage that hits *all* enemies.

Dragonkin (Build)

  • Characters: Reis Duelar
  • Type: Caster
  • Combat Role: Damage (Close), Buffs
  • Stats: HP V.High; MP V.High; PA V.High; MA V.High; Evade 7%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 11
  • Proficiencies: None
  • Concept:
    Dragon-Mage"Human in appearance, but descended of dragons. The blood of the Holy Dragon flows in her veins."
  • Key Abilities: Breath weapons + short range support magic, Talk to Beasts

Dragoon (Build)

  • Type: Mundane
  • Combat Role: Damage (Close)
  • Stats: HP High; MP V. Low; PA High; MA V. Low; Evade 15%; Move 3; Jump 4; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Polearms, Helmets, Armor, Robes
  • Concept:
    Elite Lancers"A warrior who may make soaring Jump attacks even in full armor, the dragoon is also a master spearman."
  • Key Abilities: Jump


  • Type: Gish
  • Combat Role: Damage (Ranged) + Debuffs
  • Stats: HP High; MP High; PA High; MA High; Evade %10; Move 4; Jump 3; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Swords, Axes, Hats, Clothes, Robes, Shields
  • Concept:
    Terrain Mage"A warrior who uses Geomancy to control powers lying dormant in the natural terrain."
  • Key Abilities: Nature Mage Terrain-based Attack+Debuff Combat Abilities.

Knight (Build)

  • Characters: Isilud Tengille [With Jump], Milleuda Folles, Argath Thadalfus, Gragoroth Levigne, Gustav Margriff
  • Type: Mundane
  • Combat Role: Damage (Close) + Debuffs
  • Stats: HP High; MP Avg; PA High; MA Avg; Evade 10%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Swords, Knight Swords, Helmets, Armor, Robes, Shields
  • Concept:
    Veteran Soldier, Ranked Officer "A brave and chivalrous warrior of unmatched skill. Uses a knight's sword to unleash the Arts of War."
  • Key Abilities: Sunder and Ability Damage using your Weapons

Knight, Ark

  • Characters: Zalbaag
  • Type: Gish
  • Combat Role: Damage (Close) + Debuffs
  • Stats: HP High; MP High; PA High; MA High; Evade %10; Move 5; Jump 4; Speed 11
  • Proficiencies: Swords, Knight Swords, Helmets, Armor, Robes, Shields
  • Concept:
    Ability Damage Divine Knight"A warrior sworn to the service of the gods, using its Blade of Ruin to rend both body and soul."
  • Key Abilities: PA/MA/MP/SP Damage
  • Comments: Delita also has this Job title, but has the Temple Knight skillset. Ark Knight and Divine Knight are both Gish interpretations on the regular Knight, each having half the Knight Abilities, but as ranged magic skills.

Knight, Dark (Build)

  • Characters: Goffard Gaffgarion
  • Type: Gish
  • Combat Role: Damage (Close)
  • Stats: HP High; MP Avg; PA Avg; MA Avg; Evade %15; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 7
  • Proficiencies: Swords, Knight Swords, Axes, Flails, Helmets, Armor, Robes, Clothes, Shields
  • Concept:
    Lifedrinking Mageknight"A fallen knight who has turned his back on the light of the gods. He leeches the souls of enemies with his Fell Sword."
  • Key Abilities: HP & MP Absorption

Knight, Gryphon

  • Characters: Beowulf Cadmus, Aliste Rosenheim
  • Type: Gish
  • Combat Role: Damage (Close) + Debuffs
  • Stats: HP High; MP High; PA High; MA High; Evade 14%; Move 4; Jump 3; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Knives, Swords, Knight Swords, Helmets, Armor, Robes, Shields
  • Concept:
    Status Effect Gish Knight"A devout knight who defends the Church from heretics. Uses Spellblade techniques to strike down the enemy"
  • Key Abilities: Pure Status Effect Spells

Knight, Holy

  • Characters: Agrias Oaks, Delita Heiral (Ch2), Wiegraf Folles
  • Type: Gish
  • Combat Role: Damage (Close) + Debuffs
  • Stats: HP High; MP High; PA High; MA High; Evade 25%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 6
  • Proficiencies: Swords, Knight Swords, Helmets, Armor, Robes, Shields
  • Concept:
    Paladin"Baptized in the divine light of the Church, the Holy Knight smites foes with powerful Holy Sword techniques."
    "A pious knight clad in pure white armor. His untarnished soul enables him to wield a Holy Sword to smite enemies."
  • Key Abilities: Debuff AOE Strikes (Accurate, Small AOE, Short Ranged, Elemental Weapon Damage + Chance of Status Effect)

Knight, Rune

  • Characters: Dycedarg Beoulve
  • Type: Gish
  • Combat Role: Damage (Close) +
  • Stats: HP High; MP High; PA High; MA High; Evade 10%; Move 4; Jump 3; Speed 9
  • Proficiencies: Swords, Knight Swords, Helmets, Armor, Robes, Shields
  • Concept:
    Arcane Knight"An elite knight who wears armor inscribed with magick runes of ancient and mysterious power."
  • Key Abilities: Defensive Magic Shield, Blast Spells, Debuff AOE Strikes

Knight, Temple

  • Characters: Folmarv Tengille, Meliadoul Tengille, Loffrey Wodring, Delita Heiral (Late Game)
  • Type: Gish
  • Combat Role: Damage (Close) + Debuffs
  • Stats: HP High; MP Low; PA High; MA Low; Evade 12%; Move 4; Jump 3; Speed 6
  • Proficiencies: Swords, Knight Swords, Crossbows, Polearms, Helmets, Armor, Clothes, Robes, Shields
  • Concept:
    Sunder Templar"A Knight versed in both scripture and sword, sworn to the service of the Gods."
  • Key Abilities: Sunder Strikes
  • Comments: Ark Knight and Divine Knight are both Gish interpretations on the regular Knight, each having half the Knight Abilities, but as ranged magic skills.

Machinist (Build)

  • Characters: Mustadio Bunansa, Barich Fendsor
  • Type: Mundane
  • Combat Role: Damage (Ranged), Debuffs
  • Stats: HP High; MP Low; PA Low; MA Low; Evade 18%; Move 3; Jump 4; Speed 10
  • Proficiencies: Guns, Hats, Clothes
  • Concept:
    Called-Shot/Debuff Marksman "An engineer working to revive lost technologies, capable of firing guns highly accurately with the Aimed Shot ability."
  • Key Abilities: Immobilize/Disable/Petrify Ranged Attacks
  • Comments: Low PA and MA is irrelevant to guns in FFT, which are based on nothing but the Gun's WP score.

Mage, Black (Build)

  • Type: Caster
  • Combat Role: Damage (Ranged) + Debuffs
  • Stats: HP Low; MP High; PA Avg; MA Avg; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Rods, Hats, Clothes, Robes
  • Concept:
    Blaster Mage "A warrior who uses Black Magicks to channel elemental powers into powerful offensive spells."
  • Key Abilities: Attack Magic, Mostly Evocation

Mage, Red

  • Type: Gish
  • Combat Role: Damage (Melee) + Damage (Ranged), Healing, Protection
  • Stats: HP Low; MP High; PA Low; MA High; Evade 5%; Move 4; Jump 2; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Knives, Rapiers, Hats, Clothes
  • Concept:
    Black/White Mage Gish."The Red Mage commands not only white and black magicks, but also those uniquely her own."
  • Key Abilities: Blasting, Healing, Protection, Silence.
  • Comments: FFTA2 Class, not FFT:WoTL Class, but it's a classic, its absence in FFT was noted, and it doesn't clash with the lore, so it's in the list as a maybe.

Mage, Time

  • Type: Caster
  • Combat Role: Buffs, Debuffs
  • Stats: HP Low; MP High; PA Low; MA High; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Staves, Hats, Clothes, Robes
  • Concept:
    Time & Space Mage "The Time Mage controls time and space. This sorcerer toys with the laws of the universe."
  • Key Abilities: Haste/Slow/Stop/Don'tMove/Gravity/Float/Reflect. Move Via Teleport.

Mage, White (Build)

  • Type: Caster
  • Combat Role: Healing
  • Stats: HP Low; MP High; PA Avg; MA High; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 9
  • Proficiencies: Staves, Hats, Clothes, Robes
  • Concept:
    Priest "A warrior who taps into the powers of the divine, using White Magicks to cast spells of recovery and protection."
  • Key Abilities: Healing, "Raising", Removing Debuffs, and Protective Spells.

Mediator/Orator (Build)

  • Type: Caster?
  • Debuffs
  • Stats: HP Low; MP Low; PA Low; MA Average; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Guns, Knives, Hats, Clothes, Robes
  • Concept:
    Diplomat"A warrior who participates in battle using Speechcraft. Words, rather than swords, are the orator's weapons."
  • Key Abilities: Diplomacy, Brave/Faith +/-, Stun, Berserk, Sleep, Negotiate
  • Comments: Attacks using guns (which are stat-independent in FFT), and speechcraft (which doesnt do "damage")

Monk (Build)

  • Type: Gish
  • Combat Role: Damage (Close) + Healing
  • Stats: HP High; MP Low; PA High; MA Avg; Evade 20%; Move 3; Jump 4; Speed 9
  • Proficiencies: Clothes
  • Concept:
    Wuxia Monk "A warrior, devoted to physical training, whose unarmed attacks are deadly. May use Martial Arts."
  • Key Abilities: Mystic Kung Fu (Aurablast, Shockwave, Doom Fist) + Burst remove debuffs, AOE heal, and revive fallen allies.

Mystic (Build)

  • Type: Caster
  • Combat Role: Debuffs
  • Stats: HP Low; MP High; PA Low; MA High; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Poles, Rods, Staves, Books, Hats, Clothes, Robes
  • Concept:
    Taoist Mystic "A warrior who uses the Mystic Arts to bend the forces of the cosmos to his or her will."
  • Key Abilities: "Curses"(Blind, Undead, Silence, Berserk, Fear, Confusion, Paralyze, Sleep, Petrify), Remove Buffs, HP/MP Drain

Ninja (Build)

  • Type: Mundane
  • Combat Role: Damage (Close) + Damage (Ranged)
  • Stats: HP Low; MP Low; PA High; MA Avg; Evade 30%; Move 4; Jump 4; Speed 10
  • Proficiencies: Knives, Ninjato, Flails, Shuriken, Bombs, Hats, Clothes
  • Concept:
    Fantasy Ninja "A warrior who uses stealth to be all but invisible. The ninja may also Throw weapons at faraway enemies."
  • Key Abilities: Dual Wield, Dodge AC, Ninja Vanish.


  • Characters: Marquis Messam Elmdore de Limberry
  • Type: Gish
  • Combat Role: Damage (Close) + Buff + Debuffs
  • Stats: HP Low; MP High; PA High; MA Avg; Evade 20%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Katanas, Helmets, Armor, Robes
  • Concept:
    Burst AOE Mageknight"Following a warrior ethic from a foreign land, the samurai uses Iaido techniques to attack with his or her katana."
  • Key Abilities: Burst AOE magic. Damage, MP Damage, Debuffs(Slow, Confuse, Doom), Buffs (Protect, Shell, Regen, Haste)


  • Characters: Rapha & Marach Galthena
  • Type: Gish
  • Combat Role: Damage (Ranged), Debuffs
  • Stats: HP Low/High; MP High/Low; PA Low/High; MA High/Low; Evade 10%/8; Move 3/4; Jump 3; Speed 10/9
  • Proficiencies: Staves, Poles, Hats, Clothes, Robes
  • Concept:
    Elemental-Spellcasting Monk."An assassin able to bend the laws of nature by speaking the words of forbidden Sky Mantra."
  • Key Abilities: Elemental Damage(Lightning, Fire, Wind, Water, Earth), Debuffs(Blind, Confuse, Silence, Toad, Poison, Slow, Sleep). Unpredictable Effects.
  • Comments: I hated these in FFT. Too unreliable to be useful. Potentially neat idea. Will see what can be done.


  • Characters: Cletienne Duroi, Valmafra Lenande
  • Type: Caster
  • Combat Role: Damage (Ranged) + Healing
  • Stats: HP Avg; MP High; PA Low; MA High; Evade 14%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 10
  • Proficiencies: Knives, Rods, Staves, poles, Hats, Clothes, Robes
  • Concept:
    Archmage/High Priest"A magick user with countless incantations at his command. His powerful spells make all those who oppose him suffer."
  • Key Abilities: Holy/Flare/Gravity/UnHoly/Arise/


  • Type: Mundane
  • Combat Role: Damage (Close) + Buffs + Healing
  • Stats: HP Avg; MP V.Low; PA Low; MA V.Low; Evade 5%; Move 4; Jump 3; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Knives, Swords, Axes, Flails, Hats, Clothes
  • Concept:
    Apprentice/Footsoldier "This job serves as the foundation for all others, forming the first step on the road to becoming a legendary warrior."
  • Key Abilities: Generalist Skillset
  • Comments: Probably not suited to being a PC Class.


  • Type: Caster
  • Combat Role: Damage (Ranged), Buffs, Debuffs, Healing
  • Stats: HP Low; MP High; PA Low; MA High; Evade 5%; Move 3; Jump 3; Speed 8
  • Proficiencies: Rods, Staves, Hats, Robes
  • Concept:
    Generalist Shaman"A warrior who may Summon the most powerful of spirits, the beings known as espers"
  • Key Abilities: Expensive Big AOE Spells (Healing, Elemental Damage, Temporary HP, Reflect, Silence)


  • Type: Mundane
  • Combat Role: Debuffs
  • Stats: HP Avg; MP Low; PA Avg; MA Low; Evade 25%; Move 4; Jump 4; Speed 9
  • Proficiencies: Knives, Hats, Clothes
  • Concept:
    Thief "Warriors who can steal anything from anyone. Their skill is legendary."
  • Key Abilities: Steals Enemy Gear Mid-Use, Charm


So, that's all 33 of the distinct Jobs from FFT, plus Red Mage From FFTA2. Conclusions:

  • Specificity
    • FFT Jobs are much more specific than D&D5e Classes, as I knew.
    • I expect when I map these to D&D 5e Classes, each class will more or less map onto one or two suitable archetypes.
  • Names
    • There are so many misleading names for Skills and Jobs in FFT. Holy Crap. Seriously. Terrible Translations.
    • Traditional FF Summoners (like in FFT) are really more spirit Shaman types calling on powerful spirits, and not summoners at all.
  • GISH
    • There are a lot of types of spellcasting warriors.
    • Several types of Paladin/Eldritch Knight/Whatever will be inevitable, but I sort of expected that.
  • Priests
    • There's several different types of holy mage types.

Join me next time to see how I start to match the Jobs to 5e Classes/Archetypes, and read my review from combing through all the published 5e classes to determine what other ones are a good fit for an FFT style world.
